JoinedTopics Started by cyborgVision
JW Humor site is back again
by cyborgVision inyou might be interested that jw humour site is back up again.
virushead jw humor
davinci code!
by cyborgVision ini'm just watching da vinci code programme on history channel.
... wondering what you guys make of it all.
does it make any sense or is it wt-like publisher's stunt....
Why did Jesus make a reference to hell doctrine?
by cyborgVision ini personally do not, never have or ever will believe in hell.
my religions feelings are littlebit hazy at the moment.
but even when i did believe with all my heart i found it difficult to believe in a god that would promote some sort of perpetual concentration camp.
Theory of Gravity wrong???
by cyborgVision in
thank you quotes for bringing this up, i've never read such a bullsh** in my life.
those people up in writing dept.
Does anyone know somebody in WT writing department?
by cyborgVision ini wonder what the profiles of these people are.
the fact is that every sentence they write is taken by over 6 000 000 people almost as a word of god.
(in fact most of us here, i would imagine, at one time or another felt the same).
are congregation revolving around mini-moguls or dynasties of elitist JW?
by cyborgVision inin your experience, did you ever see congregation being revolved around clan-like, all-influential families?.
i don't know about your experiences, but in my personal experience and basically wherever i went i've seen congregation being influenced by mini dynasties of elitist jw.
in fact their influence goes far beyond of what you'd normally consider "spirituality" and branches down to some absolutely bizarre issues such as what type of car you should drive, what brand of clothing is "christian", what sort of barbeque is appropriate, even what cereal you should not buy since it supports "babylon the great", etc.
Does anyone know how members of GB are chosen?
by cyborgVision indoes anyone know how members of gb are chosen?
i mean to me it sounds extraordinary that there?s no one from minorities.
no offence to our dear american friends in this forum but i wonder if there is anyone on governing body who wasn?t born in us and is not white.
Did you ever see a TRULY happy JW?
by cyborgVision ini mean seriously, most of us have been inside for a number of years.
so during all this time did you ever see happy person or a family or were you ever truly happy there, even for a brief period of time?
if you were happy, when was it?
Are we really free or are we just kidding ourselves?
by cyborgVision inhope i can get some positive feedback., and i really mean it, don?t want to offend anyone but .. .
reflecting on your own experiences are people on this website mainly open to new points of views, new ideas, or is this mainly a site for criticizing even when there?s no concrete evidence just for the sake of it.
reason why i?m asking this is because i?ve been a member here for just under a week here and already had unpleasant experience of being dragged into pretty nasty argument just because i dared to disagree with someone.
Will married partners reunite at resurrection? And what does that imply.
by cyborgVision inhi everybody, since this is my first post i hope everyone is going to be kind to me :)
one thing that kind of bothers me, and i?ve seen it bothering many honest jws (yes there are such ones) is whether they should remarry after their mate dies.
it is the issue that, in my experience, many do not even dare to confront, at least from older generation.