Not really.
My parents were adamant about us (me and my sibs) "toeing the line" with no exceptions. As most of you can appreciate, that meant none of the other kids in the hall were acceptable once we hit adolescence (with most kids trying out the normal, stupid things kids do at this stage). They investigated every incident when other JW parents were content with the "don't ask...don't tell" policy so none of us had any friends in the org. while growing up. Everytime I went out with the PO's son (who wasn't that bad a kid), I got into "trouble".
High School was worse even though I was on relatively good terms with the jocks, the nerds and the druggies, I wasn't part of anything trying to toe that line, floating along being as invisible as I could be. This isolation lasted until I got my first real job iin banking (after leaving home) which opened my eyes to how "abnormal" my upbringing and my socialization was.
Today, I still have to work at being a "friend" and feeling a part of my community (voting, giving to charity, interacting with my neighbors, being a "real" friend, etc...). But, better late than never!