Oh God Why? Tell Me Why??

by LouBelle 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • LouBelle

    Now that I'm totally free of the WT & it's indoctrination, standing alone not sure of my purpose in life, not sure where to turn to. I still believe in God but find myself on the verge/or perhaps already questioning Him. This is quite a sensitve topic & not sure it suitable, but I just need it out there. So if you're easily offended or whatever don't carry on reading.

    I was watching a well known talkshow last night and they featured what's happening in the Congo. The Tuitsies (sp???) against the Hoetsies - or something like that. Women are being treated so disgustingly - rapped by 10 or more men at a time, these guerilla soldiers then try get their children to rape them. These people have NO hope. These people have NO future. These people are walking corpses - there is death in their eyes.

    Then there are people that are posing as family memebers of tsunami children victims & then sell them into sex slavery. One man paid $100 000 to have sex with a 5month baby.

    And there I was lying in my bed, safe, warm, fed, clothed, money in the bank.....I know nothing of hardship as these people do.

    I cried literally to God and asked WHY - Why doesn't He do something. Will there ever be a cutting off of the wicked??????? Why did he work so obviously in the days of the Israelites and yet today we don't 'hear' Him. My mind tells me not to question God, then it jumps to the extreme - is there a God & this is just going to carry on to time indifinate & we die and become worm food and so it goes on generation after generation.

    I used to have all the answers before living in my ""everthing will get better"" world. Now I don't have the answers......just questions upon questions, feeling as hopeless as I've ever felt. It's an empty ache & these people .... oh these people suffer.

  • Crumpet

    I think you answered the question yourself - there is no God. And for too long people have idealised and romanticised this figment of the imagination as an excuse for not doing as much as they can personally to eradicate such vile treatment of humans by other humans.

    Once the world gives up the idea of God coming to save us all and takes responsibility en masse for the human family then we might see a beginning to an end of such atrocities. In the meantime its up to our politicians and the pressure we put on them to get involved even when there is no short term financial benefit to them. Geldof and Bono may not have exactly the right idea - but at least they are trying and public pressure on the the politicians is the only way the wealth base in the west can begin to tip more evenly in the direction of developing countries. However that redistribution of wealth has problems attached too.

    (Whew I didnt actually know I had those opinions until they came out!)

  • mrsjones5

    Is there really any harm in questioning God? In asking why bad things happen? I dont think so. You might get an answer.

    I think asking questions and thinking about the big issues just shows you have a heart and are trying to use your mind. Better that than being a non-questioning, non-deep thinker jw.


  • rebel8

    One of the most eye-opening moments I had post-borg was in a basic philosophy class in college. There is a long discussion to go along with it, but the bottom line is the existence of evil disproves the existence of an all-loving + all-powerful + all-knowing God.

    One of the hardest, but most satisfying, things I ever accepted is a basic truth of the universe: we don't know, and we probably never will. We don't know if the supernatural exists. We don't know how the universe came into existence. We don't know if there is an afterlife. We don't know why evil exists or how to expunge it from humanity.

    The conclusion I came to: Focus on being a good person and living a worthwhile life. Accept the fact that there is little proof for much of what religion claims. Accept the fact that some day we may know more about these mysteries. If the existence of god is proven someday, I will have led a good life and will be well-accepted by him/her. (This is the essence of Humanist beliefs. I didn't know that when I came to these conclusions, but now I realize I've been a Humanist all along.)

    I wish I could give you a more comforting answer, but instead I told you the truth! (sarcastic parody of jws)

  • greendawn

    If one does believe in the gospel account then humans have to shoulder the whole responsibility for the sorry state of the world since the days of the apostles because under demonic influence they rejected the gospel and the grace of the Spirit. The opportunity for release from all things unpleasant has been there for a long time but gets wasted generation after generation due to a very petty mentality.

    One hopes this won't go on for ever and that the forces of evil will get checked at some time.

  • jgnat

    Don't stop searching, don't stop asking. I won't tell you what to believe. That would short-circuit your growth.

    The Tuitsies (sp???) against the Hoeties - or something like that.

    I am very familiar with the story of the Tutsis and the Hutus. My daughter married an immigrant from Rwanda. The politics are very complicated. Over a million Tutsis were slaughtered by Hutus in a massive genocide attempt only a few years ago. My son in law lost all but two of his dozen siblings in the slaughter. His mother was killed. His own father (over eighty years old) was crucified by a crazed mob. If my SIL had not made his way to Canada, likely he would have ended up one of those crazed Tutsi soldiers roaming the Congo seeking revenge.

    A sensitive and intelligent man, the things my SIL witnessed haunts him. He drinks too much. He dances with insanity, one doctor away from hospitalization. He pays the price for generations of hatred. But mild man that he is, he will not seek revenge. He seeks survival. He married a beautiful woman, and has a delightfully intelligent daughter. My Naomi will grow up knowing several languages and already has a sensitive and knowing heart. My SIL says, "I am not Hutu or Tutsi, I am Rwandan. But I don't think we will see peace in my lifetime."

    When you ask, "Why God?" I don't think you will get an answer in your lifetime. Remember also, that there is the big picture, which is overwhelming, and the little picture. My SIL is the little picture, and my granddaughter is the new picture of hope. Perhaps in HER lifetime, the generations of hatred will start to be shut down.

    One loving heart at a time.

  • hubert

    I'm not going to get into religious views.

    However, here's my opinion of humans.

    Humans are a higher intelligent animal. You could have been born a lower intellignt animal, or a human. Cats are cats, dogs are dogs, etc., etc. and humans are humans.

    Until humans can live together IN PEACE WITH EACH OTHER, then in my opinion, we are just a higher form of animals...Maybe that day will come, in one or two thousand years from now. I don't think we've evolved enough for that yet. (Unfortunately)


  • lisaBObeesa

    Jehovah's Witnesses are blind to the suffering of people around them, blind to the suffering of the world...and so they they feel nothing, and they do nothing to help others. There is no love from them.

    Now that you are out, you can see the suffering around you, and it hurts. You are thawing out. You are becoming human.

    You are feeling compassion, empathy and love for fellow human beings on this planet. How it hurts to be alive... but it is better than being living dead.

  • Balsam

    I've felt the same way, investigated the bible to see how we came to have the bible as it is composed today. Listened to some college lectures about the Old Testement, New Testement, Historical Jesus, and Philosophy of Religion. Well it helped me come to some kind of view point about God. Those can help you come to a view point too. The JW had it all wrapped up into a tidy neat package for us. Now we know the package was not based on facts, so we back up and start over. Do your own investigation, read, read, read and educate yourself. You will come out of your heartache in time.


  • DannyBloem


    The 'solution' of why evil is permitted given by the WTS is not valid, that is clear. When we rally read in the bible about Gods personalities, we see a real difference between the NT and OT. In the OT he is the one who kills people and their whole families for something that one person does. (children are often punished by their parents or grand-grand parents desisions).
    Why is it like that. THat is very simple, God is a invention of people and they project their own way of thinking on the way the Gods suppose to think. The greeks did the same and had all kind of immoral Gods, very silly.
    Then why the jews had the single God? This is easy explainable for nomadic people, who were sometimes sheepshepards It is easy to see that they project their sheep to the people, and the sheperd to God. Even in the bible this is gven as illustration.

    You can ask yourself the questions: if there is really a god, is he even worth worshipping, if he is so able to do things that people with a good concience would never do?

    Maybe there is a god, but he just don't cares about us. But then what is the use of praying worshipping and religion.

    for me it is obvious that there is not a god as the judea-christian beliefs offer. If there is something 'godlike' etc, is another question and open for me, although atheism is more likely i think.


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