Now that I'm totally free of the WT & it's indoctrination, standing alone not sure of my purpose in life, not sure where to turn to. I still believe in God but find myself on the verge/or perhaps already questioning Him. This is quite a sensitve topic & not sure it suitable, but I just need it out there. So if you're easily offended or whatever don't carry on reading.
I was watching a well known talkshow last night and they featured what's happening in the Congo. The Tuitsies (sp???) against the Hoetsies - or something like that. Women are being treated so disgustingly - rapped by 10 or more men at a time, these guerilla soldiers then try get their children to rape them. These people have NO hope. These people have NO future. These people are walking corpses - there is death in their eyes.
Then there are people that are posing as family memebers of tsunami children victims & then sell them into sex slavery. One man paid $100 000 to have sex with a 5month baby.
And there I was lying in my bed, safe, warm, fed, clothed, money in the bank.....I know nothing of hardship as these people do.
I cried literally to God and asked WHY - Why doesn't He do something. Will there ever be a cutting off of the wicked??????? Why did he work so obviously in the days of the Israelites and yet today we don't 'hear' Him. My mind tells me not to question God, then it jumps to the extreme - is there a God & this is just going to carry on to time indifinate & we die and become worm food and so it goes on generation after generation.
I used to have all the answers before living in my ""everthing will get better"" world. Now I don't have the answers......just questions upon questions, feeling as hopeless as I've ever felt. It's an empty ache & these people .... oh these people suffer.