This is so funny! I was sitting praying to my Goddesses that they would direct me to a copy of this rag so I could read it . There's a knock at my door. I was expecting someone to come pick up something and threw open the door and to my surprise a kindly little old lady stood there with the end is near tract. Gleefully, I took it and asked her for the Nov copies of the watchtower and awake. She said she didn't have one with her. So I asked if the other ladies on the street had one and she said no they don't carry them on them but she would get me one. So I gave her my name and she took down my address and what I wanted and she said she'd get it to me asap. I thanked her and told her I couldn't wait for her to comeback! LOL! Boy are we going to have a long talk! So they don't carry around the copies of this crap anymore? What's up withthat? I know I've been gone for twenty years but geez are they that paranoid? I love the fact that for 20 years Jehoobah never answered one of my prayers but now that I'm pagan my prayers are always answered swiftly and accurately. LOL!
JoinedPosts by Maluenda
Masturbation is a Gift From Jehovah (Stupid Awake 11/06)
by metatron indoes that title sound blasphemous?
well, i'm sorry if it does - but who ever imagines what the world would be like if sexual urges .
could not be satisfied by oneself?
Masturbation is a Gift From Jehovah (Stupid Awake 11/06)
by metatron indoes that title sound blasphemous?
well, i'm sorry if it does - but who ever imagines what the world would be like if sexual urges .
could not be satisfied by oneself?
Can this crap be found on line-this awake issue. I'm going to flag down some hoobahs and ask them for one. I have to read this one. It's too funny? Jehovah kills an angel? What's up with that? It doesn't make any sense. What have they failed to look over us properly or something so they get the ax? I'm still laughing! Thanks for the visual!
Good for you courageous one!
I'm so proud of you!
That's one more stat they can't count though I hear they fudge them anyway.
Letter to the judge in the latest court ruling
by Maluenda ini am sending this letter tomorrow to the judge in this case.
i am not emailing it but sending it in an envelope.
i am hoping that at least everyone who reads this will send a quick note and engage at least one other person to do so also.
Thank you all for your kindness and warm welcome. The PTS has plagued me for thirty years now. Not as bad as it was but every one in a while it surfaces. When I see JWS out with little child my heart breaks. I feel it's my obligation to them to try to inform as many people as possible. I make it a goal to tell at least one person every day. It's so easy to start a conversation. Years of having to go door to door taught me how. I really feel strongly about the strength of this letter writing campaign. I'm going to keep posting and hope people will follow suit. I just know it will work. I was born to be Satans messenger. I really used to think that when I was a child because I couldn't believe the teachings and just knew it was because I was a demon. Well, I'm a Wiccan priestess now so I guess I threw away the handbaslet and flew straight to hell! LOL! I wish I could take away all your pain. I wish I could erase all the horror. I can't. But I can tell you that fighting back helps tremendously. Thank you all for supporting this cause. You're wonderful!
I hope you all will take a look at the new topic I started Letter to the judge in the latest court ruling. I posted my letter that I'm sending snail mail tomorrow to the judge. It gives you his address, title, etc. Please feel free to copy my letter and use it or just send a card that says thank you with your name and exjw behind it. This is so important. There are so many of us. We have to band together. We can't just talk about it or post about it. We have to send a message literally! Please join me! Together we can make a difference!
Letter to the judge in the latest court ruling
by Maluenda ini am sending this letter tomorrow to the judge in this case.
i am not emailing it but sending it in an envelope.
i am hoping that at least everyone who reads this will send a quick note and engage at least one other person to do so also.
I am sending this letter tomorrow to the judge in this case. I am not emailing it but sending it in an envelope. I am hoping that at least everyone who reads this will send a quick note and engage at least one other person to do so also. It would be nice for the judge to get at least 1000 pieces of mail this week all from us. It will make a statement. The letter doesn't have to be as long as mine just put in your info and say thank you for the ruling in this case. Please join me. This is sooooooo important!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My name, address, and phone
Honorable Judge Raymond A. Guadagni
Supervising Judge Appellate Division
Courtroom A 2nd Floor
825 Brown St. Napa, California 94559-3031
RE: Case No. 26-22191
Dear Honorable Judge Guadagni,
I am writing to you regarding the above mentioned case to personally thank you for the ruling you handed down on October 16,2006. I am oneof hundreds of thousands of survivors of sexual abuse by members protected and defended by this cult. You have given us all renewed hope that horrific crimes against children, the religious leaders of this cult perpetrate will no longer be kept safe from the jurisdiction of the courts and the perpetrators themselves fianally made to answer for their crimes.
In my case, one of the men who molested me for years still goes door to door with my father trying to convert people to their beliefs. He was never reported to the police or even disciplined bythe church elders because after admitting to abusing me for years he told the elders of the church he had repented. Since he was active in the church, admitted the wrongdoing, and had repented he was forgiven in Jehovah's eyes and "cured". I was expected to treat him as if nothing ever happened. I left the church and was disfellowshipped for not forgiving him. My parents and other church members are forbidden to speak to me. I am labeled as serving Satan the Devil and an Apostate. All for wanting to go to the police and report a crime.
I hope this small portion of my personal story will help you to understand how the victim's are further abused by this cult and why we are so very grateful for your refusal to back down from these criminals. You are truly a man of honesty and integrity, dedicated to seeing justice prevail. I hope you realize that you have made a positive difference in the lives of hundreds of thousands of survivors. I personally can't thank you enough. I know I speak for hundreds of thousands of other victims and unfortunately for the thousands of children being abused right now at the hands of a pedophile protected by Jehovah's Witnesses.
Sincerely, my signature.
Emails are deleted by the thousands. It's hard to ignore the postman asking where you would like him tyo put the ten bags of mail he has for you day after day. Think about it. It only takes a few minutes to make a difference.
This ruling is just a beginning. There are so many legal stalls that can be put into place. It wouldn't surprise me if this ends up in the supreme court. I don't want to burst anyones bubble because this is progress!!!!!!!! I'm sure these monsters think that this is the beginning of Armeggeddon and now have to use their stored or stolen funds whichever way you want to look at it, to fight the harlot AKA-you, me and the rest of Satans children. That's why I'm posting everywhere I can post -JW sights and sights like This week in breaking news an msn news site. I simple put did you hear about? These news sites are a great way to spread the good news about this ruling and the cult. Many people read these sites daily. I also started an email chain to everyone I know asking for their help in passing it to everyone they know and so forth. Please, please join me in doing this. Nows the time for us to band together and scream at the top of our lungs. I am also sending a personal hand written letter to the judge in this case expressing my thanks for this decision and why it means so much to me. Have you ever considered what an impact it would be on these cases if the judges hearing the case got thousands of letters from victims? I've been in criminal justice for years and I can tell you volume speaks. One or two letters are ignored and the judge never sees them. Please consider this. If we banned together and wrote one letter a week to a chosen outlet. This week a judge, next week Oprah or dateline. We would begin to get noticed. Each person could draft their own letter and send it over and over. Snail mail makes an even bigger impact now a days because it is tangible. You can ignore a thousand emails but a thousand envelopes makes quite a statement. Does anyone have any input about this idea? Would anyone want to participate? Blessings to you all and may we continue to progress in the name of the truth!