JoinedTopics Started by caballoSentado
New introduction
by formerministerial inhello to all of you,.
here goes an introduction of a new member.
i'm 45 years old now and we wake up my wife and i from borg a few years ago.. i'm living between spain and france, due to my work.. it has been always refreshing to listen and read many of you here.. i hope it will continue the same..
Long time no see
by caballoSentado inhi friends,.
checking the board after a long time... here is an update (my native language is spanish, so bear with me)... my daugter is now 18 and officially a commercial pilot!, she got her dreams fulfilled... my oldest son (an industrial engineer) in living and working for a big bank in canada (toronto) after studying a master in admnistration there, and my other son is doing very well and now owns two companies (he studied economics in one of the best universities in my country, perĂº)... i have just returned from a travel all over europe with my dear wife (30 days, 12 countries and 20+ cities)... so we left the jw in 2001 over the un scandal... and here we are.
have a nice day all of you.
Long time no see
by caballoSentado in(please excuse any errors, my native language is spanish).
hi friends,.
it has been years, i beleive, since my last post.
Very proud!
by caballoSentado inhi friends,.
although i read the forum dayly, i rarely post.. but i had to tell you this!..
i have 3 children 2 boys and a beatiful girl... this is about my second boy.
The 2013 Special Talk "Does Death End It All"... Spanish version eliminates the word "Nanotechnology"
by Calebs Airplane inremember this incredibly stupid sentence in the 2013 special talk (posted on this board in recent months)?:.
"despite nanotechnology, humans can neither create life nor restore it.".
well apparently, the english-to-spanish translator (who wrote the spanish version of the 2013 special talk outline) apparently realized that the use of the word "nanotechnology" in this outline was completely irrelevant and childish... so he simply substituted the word "nanotechnology" with the phrase "great scientific advancements".
How Are You Treated When JWs See You?
by minimus indo they talk to you, ignore you, love bomb you??
Where Are You From?
by finallysomepride inalot of members don't have a flag or country name beside their user name, and well frequently one doesn't know where that particular person is from, tell us your country, state, county or what ever you feel like giving out.
if you are going to post please at least devulge your country.. me, i'm originally from taranaki, new zealand via auckland.
for the most of this decade i have been living & working in brisbane, queensland, australia.. .
My sister died in a head on collision last night
by Bumble Bee ini still can't believe it.
she was here for the bbq, we had an awesome time, laughing, her telling stories from our childhoods.
i gave her a hug and told her i loved her before she left.