Muchos saludos desde el Perú
Caballo Sentado
JoinedPosts by caballoSentado
Un saludo desde España
by nandokano inhola;.
mi nombre es fernando, vivo en el sur de espana, os escribo para anunciaros mi pagina web para que la visiteis, la direccion es http://www.fcc.org.es en esta pagina existe un foro en espanol, os animo a los que hableis en espanol os apunteis y paticipeis.
tambien les pido a los que tienen paginas webs incluyan un link a mi pagina, gracias.. un abrazo a todos.
Testigos de Jehová
by What-A-Coincidence in.
cuantos de ustedes llegan aqui y desean participar pero no puden debido a que no hablan ingles??
Hablo los dos
Caballo Sentado -
Somewhat late but
Happy Christmas from Peru (South America)!
Caballo Sentado -
Journal of C&S blood article translations ok'd for the web
by AndersonsInfo inkerry louderback-wood's article, "jehovah's witnesses, blood transfusions, and the tort of misrepresentation," is presently being translated into 16 languages: portuguese, spanish, polish, norwegian, german, french, swedish, italian, russian, hebrew, finnish, danish, japanese, korean, albanian and dutch.. yesterday, the editor of the journal of church and state gave permission for ms. wood's article to be put on the internet in any language, other than english.
please note: if in english, this article can not be put on any internet site.. if you would like to translate the article into a language which is not listed above, please pm me.
Hi Barbara,
Please, as soon as you have the translations,
tell us....
Have a nice day
Caballo Sentado -
Hi to everybody...Hello from Chile
by miker2 inim miker (well i guess you cant pronounce my last name haha), anyway, im sandro recabarren (a lot of rrrrrrr).
i was jw by 15 years, and i "worked" like pionner and ministerial servant, and sometimes in bethel, and i went to ministerial training shool too.
but since four years ago, i did discover that jerusalem dont fall at 607 bc.
Hola Sandro
Yo salí con mi familia (y algunos amigos) por el escándalo de la ONU hace 4 años aproximadamente,
muchos saludos desde el Perú
Caballo Sentado -
Why do the leave without telling us ..............?
by vitty indo you worry when posters go missing?.
on minute there posting everyday the next nothing.
i was thinking of jez, but there are many more.
I don't post much.... but I read the forum dayly
Caballo Sentado -
Spanish Speaking Ex-JWs Want To Help?
by AlanF ini've just been informed that there are a growing number of spanish speaking jw apologists who are flooding the spanish speaking net with nonsense about the usual so-called "apostate lies", and attempting the usual lying defenses of the jw organization.
apparently these are mostly mexican jws.
some of the defenses seem to be relatively new in the sense that they've not been covered before in english.. since i don't speak spanish, and i know of few present spanish jw-critical resources, there's a real need for spanish speaking ex-jws to respond to these typically braindead attacks.. i've also been informed that a brazilian jw has been translating the spanish jw defenses into portuguese, so if there are any portuguese speakers willing to help out, please let me know.. alanf
Hi Alan
Spanish is my native language.
Can I help?
Caballo Sentado
[email protected] -
i'm tired of it.......
by kittyeatzjdubs inall my life, i've been covering over things, to keep the peace in my family.
i've been scared to reveal my true identity on this site b/c i might be discovered by a lurker....but i've been thinking about it a lot lately and i've come to the conclusion that there's no point in lying about it anymore, and if it's meant to happen...then it will.......so, with that being said.... .
my name is jobeth white.
Congrats JoJo
Someday, I'll do the same.
Caballo Sentado. -
Without the Internet. Would you still have been a active believing dub??
by Samuel Thorsen in.
perhaps i would.. struggeling with doubts of course, but going to the meetings and turning in 2 or 3 hours on my report every month like i used to.... what about you guys?
Maybe, but an inactive one. I was tired of the same stuff every meeting.
But when I learned of the UN scandal (on the internet), that was tbe
beginning of my demise. Here, counting my family & a few friends, 12 JW left the Watchtower.
Caballo Sentado -
Hi everybody, I´m a new member from Spain
by benito infirst of all, i want to apologize for all the mistakes i will probably make, i m not very good at english, it s very hard for me to think in another language different than my native tongue (spanish, of course!!)..
i ve been lurking through this forum for a long time but i didn t dare write here because of my lack of knowledge of the language but i changed my mind.
i think i can give a different point of view from other members of usa of uk, it seems that most of the members are from theses countries.
Hola benito,
Saludos desde el Peru.
Caballo Sentado.