Isn't that interesting!!!! Who exactly would you be talking about? I know Jesus never instructed his followers to do this. Jesus who was sent for all mankind not only to die for us, but show us how to act as christians and somehow the scriptures on his dishonesty allude me. Perhaps Jesus wasn't following instructions properly.
Also, I have seen the dishonesty and lieing of all sorts that go on in the congregations. I was taught as a child to lie to the elders about the physical abuse I suffered under my "elder" fathers hand as well as his son. My sister wasn't allowed to tell the elders about her sexual abuse by her witness uncle because apparently it would defame Jehovah's name. We as children were treated as pathetic and told we needed to be kinder to our wonderful parents who did nothing to make sure we were treated kindly or make sure we were safe. Jehovah's name will never be defamed. It is a manmade organization that should fear. The world in general know the crimes people do in the name of God. God knows that religion including JW are using his name to back up every wrong they do.
I'm sorry,but my God does not work with any organization that is dishonest and is the example of dishonesty(spiritual warfare) to all its members. My God does not welcome organizations that makes families disown their children because these children refused to live with abuse anymore. Obviously you have not had to live with being beaten every day of your life!!!! Obviously you have never had a knife pulled on you by a family member that is baptised and was male so you had to respect him. Obviously you have never been told you were a liar when you tried to get spiritual help from the supposedly sheppards that are suppose to protect you.
I am an honest person and I still read the bible and pray. I know that I don't have all the answers and I know that NO one else does either. I refuse to argue about doctrinal points when God is going to judge me on what kind of person I am while living on earth. Not whether I excepted the doctrine of "spiritual warfare". I care about other peoples welfare and living life the best I can. I spend my days trying to be the best mom I can, teaching them their opinion is worth just as much as yours or mine and I don't beat them. I hope to show them how to except different opinions without being opinionated. I also will teach them about CULTS and what indoctrination does to people. I will teach them that cults will instruct you that you should be willing to give up family for whatever that cult deems necessary. I will tell them that grama and papa couldn't love them because their cult teaches that mommy is bad and will be killed in armageddon and so will they. That they believe they are righteous and we aren't worth anything. That it is OK for their cult to lie and be intellectually dishonest with their people and it is OK as long as no one says anything about it.