Good luck Gumby!! I sit here cringing thinking about the end result when they hang up on you.
ok, sunnygal inspired this one.. today i wondered what would happen if i called an old dub friend.
he's an elder.
i met him in jr. high as he was in my metalshop class and i mentioned i was a witness.
Good luck Gumby!! I sit here cringing thinking about the end result when they hang up on you.
i was just reminiscing about things i remember being said to me by elders about disfellowshipping.
a person can be disfellowshipped because of gross sin(could mean anything), being unrepentant etc.
an elder said to me that a person may be disfellowshipped even though he is repentant if it is gross sin and his sin widely known.. so my question is why doesn't this also apply to the governing body?
The Mexico/Malawi fiasco is definately top of the line for massive sins. My point is that young kids are being disfellowshipped for doing things that young kids do. Things that us little sheep do are so horendous that it means we deserve to loose our families and have God's ultimate wrath upon us on his D-day.
It is just so bizarre that the witnesses just can't figure this out. I know that most witnesses don't know the half of it all, but how is it that we are MADE to recognize our sins yet the governing body has been given every excuse in the book.
I feel that the governing body should feel shame for what they have done to any of us by their stupid laws and especially for the outright murderous and hypocritical rules/laws they impose on all witnesses.
How is it that they can still CLAIM they are chosen or that they are God's Organization? We are not in a position to change the organization, but they are. Kicking people out of the org left right and center will not solve their problems.
Humility and love will if they are willing to finally venture out on that limb.
when i was in my freshman year, they had us take a half semester of sex education and another one was drivers education.
the sex education class taught good stuff for a young teen to know, especially if they were in families who were kind of lax about teaching what needed to be know.
as an example, one girl in our class actually asked if you could get pregnant the first time and another asked if the pulling out method was as good as a condom.
Ya right!!!! Why would you need sex ed when you are NOT going to have sex till your married. My mom tried to talk about sex when I was 19 and already dating. By that time I pretty much knew what was going on/in whatever the case.
in my case, i was very generous with those in need in the congregation, because i had a good job, but when i lost that good job, no one gave me a helping hand.
they just didn't care about my financial well being.. also the years went by and it was as if we were getting further and further away from what they previously prophetized.
For me it was a combination of things. Probably the most significant was feeling like I had to make the choice between keeping my little family together or staying in.
Yes that and my dad rolling down the street when he jumped out of my vehicle while I was driving.(he was mad at me)----My little girl says "Mama, why did you throw papa out the van?"
i was just reminiscing about things i remember being said to me by elders about disfellowshipping.
a person can be disfellowshipped because of gross sin(could mean anything), being unrepentant etc.
an elder said to me that a person may be disfellowshipped even though he is repentant if it is gross sin and his sin widely known.. so my question is why doesn't this also apply to the governing body?
Thanks Greendawn and Honesty. I know what you are saying, I just think it should be such an easy concept. -----If you are higher up the ladder to God then the standard should be higher.
Yep they are lying buggers and the people are too afaid to face the truth.
Gumby, don't be sad you have no teeth. As time goes by it's becoming increasingly obvious that this may be a good pick-up line.
i was just reminiscing about things i remember being said to me by elders about disfellowshipping.
a person can be disfellowshipped because of gross sin(could mean anything), being unrepentant etc.
an elder said to me that a person may be disfellowshipped even though he is repentant if it is gross sin and his sin widely known.. so my question is why doesn't this also apply to the governing body?
Oh you cute little Gumbuddy. I know you reply cause you like my name (and it is). The name tells you about the person sooooo I was wonderin do ya have teeth?
I gotta go to bed too so I'll check with ya tomorrow.
i was just reminiscing about things i remember being said to me by elders about disfellowshipping.
a person can be disfellowshipped because of gross sin(could mean anything), being unrepentant etc.
an elder said to me that a person may be disfellowshipped even though he is repentant if it is gross sin and his sin widely known.. so my question is why doesn't this also apply to the governing body?
WOE WOE guys I'm on the phone with my friend. I'll be right back.
By the way she's hot too!!!
i was just reminiscing about things i remember being said to me by elders about disfellowshipping.
a person can be disfellowshipped because of gross sin(could mean anything), being unrepentant etc.
an elder said to me that a person may be disfellowshipped even though he is repentant if it is gross sin and his sin widely known.. so my question is why doesn't this also apply to the governing body?
Gumby, If their claim is they HAD NO KNOWLEDGE then they must be senile. That excuse wouldn't work with any regular JW. Besides if a witness can sin and be disfellowshipped because of the notariety then claiming they had no knowledge shouldn't make any difference.
i was just reminiscing about things i remember being said to me by elders about disfellowshipping.
a person can be disfellowshipped because of gross sin(could mean anything), being unrepentant etc.
an elder said to me that a person may be disfellowshipped even though he is repentant if it is gross sin and his sin widely known.. so my question is why doesn't this also apply to the governing body?
I was just reminiscing about things I remember being said to me by elders about disfellowshipping. A person can be disfellowshipped because of gross sin(could mean anything), being unrepentant etc. An elder said to me that a person may be disfellowshipped even though he is repentant if it is gross sin and his sin widely known.
So my question is why doesn't this also apply to the Governing Body? Wouldn't the UN scandle fall under this category? Obviously the Watchtower Society couldn't exist if they were disfellowshipped, but shouldn't they also take responsibility for their gross sins like they make us lowly earth dwellers?
Why would Christ choose a bunch of GROSS sinners to represent him, but throw us away like we are worthless? If the Governing Body are so much wiser than the rest of the JWs why do they screw up so badly?(com'on Govnerning Body, even the regular witness wouldn't sign up for the YMC) Are JWs that unaware that they can be guilty by association? The Governing Body is NOT going to be standing before God and explaining their actions to God. We will be standing there all by our little lonesome. How will the witnesses answer when he asks why they didn't use the brain he gave them? How will they answer when he asks them why they treated people like they did-----something he never asked them to do? How can 6mill people be without the ability to think??????
name as many reasons as you can why some won't leave the watchtower organization, even though they know something is wrong.
Can't get past the excuse of using "the governing body are imperfect men" , but fail to use that on the regular people like us even when they are family.