My step-father has told me as well as others in the cong that my stories are a LIE!!!! My sister-a JW elder wife and my half-brothers heared him say it and are stunned that he
won't admitt we were treated very badly. Of course because I am no longer a JW he CAN say I am lying because no one will come and ask me about it. His son----my half-brother
beat me almost every day and admitts how bad he was to me and is sorry, but again my step-dad told everyone I am lying. My mom won't stand up for me either.
Now as an adult and raising my own children, I did get help to learn how to handle kids because I had nothing to judge what is normal discipline for children. I still feel much anger
for the abuse I lived with, but am doing pretty good now. There is no way in hell I would ever not believe the stories of abuse from some of the ex-witnesses.
Most of our abuse was mental,but there was physical abuse and we were told to lie since my step-dad was an elder. (my mother told us to lie).
I remember hiding because I was so scared of his rage. He through me in a closet for sucking on my brothers soother when I was 4. His spankings were so bad that we couldn't sit for days.
My sister was thrown through my gramas glass door(breaking it) then had her arm twisted and thrown down the stairs. Just a few examples of presiding over your family properly.
Sorry, but feeling a little bitter right now and just needed to post!