that thing about time being voluntary isn't probably true.. it is like volunteer or good bye...\
just a thought
you might have already seen this but it's a first for me and i'm annoyed!.
i have to get back to work.................i'm getting cabin fever!.
and information sourcewednesday, march 9, 2005 ?
that thing about time being voluntary isn't probably true.. it is like volunteer or good bye...\
just a thought
i've searched and searched and can find nothing that specifically addresses this issue.
i've checked coc and isocf.
please help me or at least point me in the right direction.. this is the subject that i'm not good at discussing or refuting:.
1. The Israelites did what they were told by their god directed organization even if they didn't understand the reasoning (or weren't given it). We don't always understand why the society gives certain direction or may even see that the direction doesn't make sense - do it anyway; God's looking out for us. For example the smoking and cancer link and the blood transfusion and AIDS link.
The Isrealites did what they were told by their God Directed organization (Moses, then Joshua...) even if they didn't understand the reasoning. There is a difference in then and now. In the OT times, the people God spoke to was his person like moses or the preist ( you can read it, OT) to communicate what God wanted done at times. Now-a-days, we don't need a human (here on earth kinda thing) mediator to speak with God as they did in the OT (sin kept them from God) we now have the blood of JC to cleanse (not guilty of sin) us and can approach the throne of grace with confidence. In the OT they couldn't do that cause of the need of animal sacrafices to atone their sin. We have the blood of christ as the atonement for our sin. with this atonement we can speak directly to Jesus and he is our intercessor (praying for us to the Father on our behalf). The verse below coorespond to the the statements above. because i know the JW have taught that christ is only a mediator for the 144,000 please look at this page to explain how he is not just for them:
1 Tim 2:5 " For th er e is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;"
1 John 2: 2 "And he is the propitiation (the act of atoning for sin or wrongdoing (especially appeasing a deity) ( for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world."
Heb 7: 25 " Therefore he is able to save completely [c] those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them."
let's face it, it seems like a simplification of the df process as many of you have already mentioned.. within the 6 million or so jw worldwide, there has to be a good number of ppl that are on the fringes of being dfed.
in the past, it took time to technically df these ppl because of the no-shows at judicial hearings and appeals.
also dfing a person can be delayed when no actual proof can be provided of the sin committed.
Do you think in their attempt to 'simplify' the process they have shot themselves in the foot?
I do, I do! the JW may be growing, but i feel with the way dfing makes people and families feel this could lead run from such alful practices.
okay, i have looked all over this board and i can't find anything on tithing.
actually, i tried to search for it, but i can never get the search thing to work.. anyway.
jw's are against tithing, but when i look it up, other religions have scriptures that say we are supposed to.
Just to give my 2 cents on this, in reading the OT, I learned that the practices that God put in place only to help isreal survive. The tithing was for the leaders of the levites and this was because their one focus was working for god through every thing and not holding other jobs. Technically it was part of the law that was given in the OT and Christ fulfilled the Law of Moses (stuff in OT). this means we don't have to tithe today, but I have found that if i give at least a 10th of my income I am always taken care of by God. when i slip on my giving, not just tithing but monetary offerings, i feel more of a squeeze for money and free time. May sound crazy, but I believe that God fulfills his word when he said the whole thing about, "Give and it shall be given..." he takes care of his people who seek him and desire to do the right stuff...
live in grace and glorify Him
LDS is Latter Day Saints which comes from The Church of Jesus Chirst of the Latter Day Saints.
this name comes from how the christian chruch was distroyed and how Christ Jesus came to America and reformed the chruch thru smith's work in the Adventist which then broke off to the Mormons (LDS). this then led to the name of Latter day saints...cause they happened after the fact of the orginal chruch being made and destroyed.
i have a friend she is disfellowshipped.
she suffers from depression.
she wants to go back.
I am very sorry to hear that your friend has been df. If i were you, I would tell her to start examining the teaching of this group(JW). Check out a book Jehovah's Witnesses Answered: Verse by Verse by David A. Reed. It showed me a lot of how the group was not following Christ's examples. It even touches on the df stuff and how it is destroying the church not showing the restoration power of Jehovah.
With her time apart from the fellowship, she can examine all she has been taught.
blessings b-w/-u
i'm fairly new here, so please excuse me if this has been discussed before.
it seemed like an appropriate time to bring this up.. suppose we accept that there really was a man jesus, rabbi, teacher, etc., but just a mortal man.
so if he didn't resurrect, what happened to the body, and how was the "myth" of the resurrection perpetuated, especially in light of the numerous "witnesses" (some of whom were still alive when the accounts were written, if we can believe that part of the accounts) and the effect this had on their lives?
please ignore these two identical posting, the computer is not letting me put the whole piece on this I've written. sorry
Concerning the body thing, from the same instance with Luke 24:36-39 ? myself; feel me and see, because a spirit does not have flesh and bones just as you behold that I have.?(NWT)
i'm fairly new here, so please excuse me if this has been discussed before.
it seemed like an appropriate time to bring this up.. suppose we accept that there really was a man jesus, rabbi, teacher, etc., but just a mortal man.
so if he didn't resurrect, what happened to the body, and how was the "myth" of the resurrection perpetuated, especially in light of the numerous "witnesses" (some of whom were still alive when the accounts were written, if we can believe that part of the accounts) and the effect this had on their lives?
the verses are not the same but this piece is concerning the body thing:
Concerning the body thing, from the same instance with Luke 24:36-39 ? myself; feel me and see, because a spirit does not have flesh and bones just as you behold that I have.?(NWT)
how many should partake this year at the memorial?
how many of the original anointed, whose number was "sealed" in 1935 would likely be alive today?.
i've examined the general survival rate of people of this age group in the us.
saying the numbers are right...
then roughly 2,080 of this original crop should have been alive in 2003. But the number of partakers in 2003 was 8,565. This was about 4 times as many partakers as one would likely expect by looking at these numbers.
this must mean some one was lying when they partook...???
what you think???
an elder told me the book is jehovah's latest provision to cleanse his organization.. he said soon all people that have drifted, inactives, and others baptized and not complying with the biblical mandates for a jw, will be visited and given an option to shape up or ship out.. he said that if the person refuses the help offered by the congregation they'll be notified of the date of disfellowshipping and given time to appeal the decision.. he was so happy stating that this way jehovah's organization was preparing for the final clean-up before armageddon.
he sounded so convincing that it almost made perfect sense what he was saying.
i got goose bumps listening to his reasoning.. dy
Lets see, cleanse his Organization, whatever?!?! Who hasn?t been listening to the Almighty to begin with?are they closing up shop and leaving people alone? If not, then the cleansing isn?t working?Lets try again, eh?