That is a very accurate and complete view of field service and one of the best I have read!
JoinedPosts by LongHairGal
20 years ago..a talk concerning field service..sisters crying..eyes opened
by confusedjw inwell i can't recall now which public talks it was - one of my first - and it dealt with field service / preaching.
so i thought i would interview several people in the congregation about service and their thoughts and feelings on the subject, expecting something very different than what i got.
to my shock (i was an over zealous young buck who thought the sun rose and set on the wt) three sisters burst into tears as they told about their feelings of inadequacy and guilt over field service.
Car Wash Guilt Complex!!!
by prophecor indon't you feel terrible when you take your car to the car wash?
the folks who wash your car, immigrants, illegal aliens, and they work so hard and are always there, the same people dilligently washing your filthy car.
are they not some of hardest working people in america?
I have mixed emotions about this. While on the one hand I applaud anybody working hard to make it, I certainly am not going to feel guilt. I used to feel awful about those tearjerker commercials about children in third world countries - but that was long before the days of outsourcing of jobs and massive illegal immigration here.
Any experience with spirits?
by hartstrings in.
have you ever had experience with the supernatural?.
Yes I have had experience with the supernatural. One scary experience when I was a child (I was not yet a JW). In my teen years before JW I played with a ouija board. It was creepy. I also felt my childhood house was haunted. When I became a JW and learned about the demons I certainly believed it. I knew they were real and I was afraid.
Question about reaching out to old friends
by zamzummim inhi all, i have a quick question about reaching out to old friends you used to know.
i was able to do some research on the internet and came across the name of an old friend of mine from when i was a jw.
there was actually quite a bit of information about his life and he's no longer married to the woman he was married to when we were both part of the org.
You could try. You have a 50/50 chance of being pleasantly surprised. It could also go the other way because the teachings have messed up certain people's heads. You could experience rejection because this person may feel he shouldn't bother with you for some reason. But don't let it deter you. -
No birthday celebrations allowed, but graduation party is OK?
by gaiagirl inthings that make you go "hmmmmm": just learned that an elder i know living near waco, texas is hosting a graduation party for his son.
don't remember ever reading of any faithful christian in the bible ever having such a party.
and to think, all that honor and attention will be focused on a mere human being instead of yhwh.....
IMO this is all about wanting money and presents. I can't remember how many shower invitations, tupperware party invitations I received. After a while I declined almost all of them. Yes, it is about the almighty dollar.
The Money Is Drying Up In The Organization!
by minimus inmy mother told me that the congregation has been pretty much begging for money for the local kingdom hall.
after the presiding overseer expressed the state of debt and severe lack on contributions, he then asked the congregation to approve a resolution to send mor money to the society!!!
i don't know how they are able to function.
They can go to hell! Even if I was active I wouldn't give a red cent to them. They have caused so much suffering and poverty with their stance on education over the years. People in middle age or over are playing a game of catch-up trying to save money for their retirement!
As Sweet Tea says: They have a dilemma: better educated people make more money - but people who are educated can see through them better but they can't have that. They want ignorant downtrodden adherents. They don't want an educated congregation. They feel educated people can't take counsel. -
What went against your nature
by Satanus inin the dub life, some things that were against my nature that i did were giving talks, door to door selling, classroom debates, exclude myself from school activities, shunning dfd ones, not doing the pagan/christian celebrations, and um,, abstaining from sex.
on the other hand, some stuff i liked was studying some of the ideas in the books, although my enjoyment of this tapered off.
i sometimes enjoyed arguing doctrine and attacking evolution.
I agree with everything you mentioned. But it especially got to me about not having other reading material. Now, really! They really are in a bubble. I met a few who didn't have tv either. I think their belief system is so flimsy that they have to maintain a pseudo-spiritual atmosphere or else doubts will creep in!! They have to maintain a controlled environment - like an insane asylum!!
Also, the one about not having political opinions. How can you be conscious and alive and not have at least a small opinion! Oh, I realize that with the high level of uneducated people there they would not be as sophisticated but a thinking honest person would have some opinion. -
not beards but...double standards?
by zaphod ini saw a debate on here about why men cannot have beards in org and it kinda got me thinking.. if a sister decided that she wanted to go natural (as god intended) and not shave her legs or her armpits (let's leave lady beards - the poor cows have got enough on their plate without engaging in debate about it) would that be frowned upon?.
say, if a french or a german sister came to the congregation, looking like she was wearing afghan boots and had two fair sized hamsters nesting in her pits.
would the brothers have valid reason to counsel her?.
Years ago I went through a phase of not wanting to shave my legs. I bleached it. I didn't do it for long - too much trouble. But I am sure that at one point one of the busybody women would have made a remark. They seem to feel they have a god-given right to give suggestions to those they don't approve of.
Attendant ever treat you like a child at convention?
by avishai inthe last straw for me was when an attendant grabbed 22 yr. old me at a cnvention and told me to come inside it was time for it to start.
i said no, and he got in my face.
anyone else get told what to do as an adult?
I had problems with attendants of both sexes. Once there was a sister in the bathroom that made a remark about everybody taking too long! Then there was the idiot woman at the coliseum a couple of years ago who decided to shorten the line of the ladies room by bringing the back half of the line to the front. The only thing she accomplished was making us angry by putting a dozen or so women in front of us. What a moron!
Then some years ago at Yankee stadium some nervy male attendant (I think he was truly crazy) thought he was going to unseat us for some reason. I think he wanted his friends to be in our area. I made it very clear I wasn't going to go anywhere. I know I was very unchristian but I didn't care. I was ready for a fight. I was hot, itchy and miserable and had it up to here. I don't know how I put up with any of it!
Were you criticized for being outspoken & lacking tact?
by LongHairGal ini seemed to have a problem with the people there because i am outspoken.
(and this was all before i had any clues to how bad the whole thing was.
) i am just an outspoken person in general and my family (not dubs) are also outspoken.
All your stories make me feel better. At least I know I wasn't alone. It was especially hard for me because I was raised by people who expected me to speak up. When you become a JW they expect you to be the opposite. Especially a woman. They think you are going to be some little mealy-mouthed creature!
I have to confess though, when I came up against a real phony who said something to insult my intelligence, something a little bad would happen to me and I couldn't resist giving a dig or two. Shame on me (ha, ha).