You are extremely lucky that you inherited a vast amount of money at a young age.. Don’t be hard on those who wisely advocate to save money. Whatever somebody manages to save during their working years is better than the nothing they would have if they pissed it all away.
Any older JW who is ‘awake’ has to be outraged to hear this ‘new light’. I am out of the religion over two decades and did the ‘right’ thing and I am still outraged. I got the same feeling as last year after their annual meeting when I learned they said ‘it was no longer necessary’ to count hours and submit a time slip!.. I was judged over both these things: having a full-time job and getting low hours in service.
Of course, somebody who was harmed by their policy and didn’t work and suffering today would obviously be more angry than I would be. My indignation is over how I was treated back then... There are some older judgmental Witnesses long gone who would have deserved to be told off . I would have liked to rub this in their faces like shit, but I will have to content myself with the fact that I am Glad I never listened to them!
This situation is just one of the reasons why the religion deserves to be exposed to the world!