Happy New Year 2025 to you and everybody else on the forum!
as we live in the last hour of 2024, i want to wish all of you a happy new year.
all of us have come a long way.
we have faced the dragon and spit in his face.
Happy New Year 2025 to you and everybody else on the forum!
this information is supposed to be in the upcoming march wt.
(i don’t go on jw dot org).
it would sound like they are hinting at a change in thinking.. in my opinion, any such change would be yet another slap in the face to faithful pimis along with those other recent changes.. there are so many heartfelt responses on that thread and a lot of justified anger.. don’t know what to say except that i’m so glad i never listened to the religion all those years ago.
That part about you knowing several Circuit Overseers that had good investment accounts - would make some of these unprepared older JWs positively ill.. You really can’t deny the utter hypocrisy of it.
I always remembered the COs when they visited. They made derogatory remarks about people who ‘didn’t get enough hours in’. That was me because I worked full time. You therefore would never catch me offering any hospitality to these idiots. Nope. They could starve or go order fast food and eat their fries in the parking lot.
While it is technically ‘true’ that nobody put a gun to anybody’s head forcing them not to prepare for retirement - the JWs created a culture where the ‘shun gun’ was used.. This tactic didn’t work on me - but I am an unusual case.. I wasn’t raised a JW and came into the religion a young adult already with the job.. I just ignored these people and kept on working.
Other young people in the hall (fearing loss of titles 🤣, being ostracized like me, getting no invitations to special dinners/gatherings) .may have caved in to this peer pressure and therefore are suffering this day because Armageddon didn’t come to save them... All I can say is I am grateful today I never fell for this giant con. I ended up ‘Fading’ after the 1995 thing.
this information is supposed to be in the upcoming march wt.
(i don’t go on jw dot org).
it would sound like they are hinting at a change in thinking.. in my opinion, any such change would be yet another slap in the face to faithful pimis along with those other recent changes.. there are so many heartfelt responses on that thread and a lot of justified anger.. don’t know what to say except that i’m so glad i never listened to the religion all those years ago.
Good for you and congratulations on your retirement.
Your mom gets a thumbs up for not pushing pioneering. Witnesses who thought intelligently like this were few and far between. I am also in total agreement that no religion (or anybody else for that matter) has any business in anybody’s personal money matters. As far as some JWs who bought houses years ago: good for them. Meddlesome people in the congregations stuck their noses where it didn’t belong with their worthless opinions.
Isn’t this all so ridiculous and unnecessary?? I do believe the people there are an envious lot. I’m so Glad I worked and retired. And I’m sorry about people who listened to these meddlesome ignoramuses or were too afraid of the condemnation I got - OR wanted to be accepted and be invited to special gatherings.👎
What a price they paid!.. So, I ask: what good would being popular years ago in a silly religion do for somebody today if they hardly worked??? .. Is that past popularity paying the bills? Nope. So, for me it was worth every nickel to be rejected by the congregation and all the nobodies there - many of whom have passed away and not even around to help anybody they misled!
…Then in the end the religion ends up pulling the rug out from under all these people by changing its teachings. How sad for anybody who listened.👎
this information is supposed to be in the upcoming march wt.
(i don’t go on jw dot org).
it would sound like they are hinting at a change in thinking.. in my opinion, any such change would be yet another slap in the face to faithful pimis along with those other recent changes.. there are so many heartfelt responses on that thread and a lot of justified anger.. don’t know what to say except that i’m so glad i never listened to the religion all those years ago.
You are extremely lucky that you inherited a vast amount of money at a young age.. Don’t be hard on those who wisely advocate to save money. Whatever somebody manages to save during their working years is better than the nothing they would have if they pissed it all away.
Any older JW who is ‘awake’ has to be outraged to hear this ‘new light’. I am out of the religion over two decades and did the ‘right’ thing and I am still outraged. I got the same feeling as last year after their annual meeting when I learned they said ‘it was no longer necessary’ to count hours and submit a time slip!.. I was judged over both these things: having a full-time job and getting low hours in service.
Of course, somebody who was harmed by their policy and didn’t work and suffering today would obviously be more angry than I would be. My indignation is over how I was treated back then... There are some older judgmental Witnesses long gone who would have deserved to be told off . I would have liked to rub this in their faces like shit, but I will have to content myself with the fact that I am Glad I never listened to them!
This situation is just one of the reasons why the religion deserves to be exposed to the world!
this information is supposed to be in the upcoming march wt.
(i don’t go on jw dot org).
it would sound like they are hinting at a change in thinking.. in my opinion, any such change would be yet another slap in the face to faithful pimis along with those other recent changes.. there are so many heartfelt responses on that thread and a lot of justified anger.. don’t know what to say except that i’m so glad i never listened to the religion all those years ago.
Well then, I guess it’s not a figment of anybody’s imagination.. According to this, it would appear the JW religion is starting a slow turn in the direction of saving for the future.
They are starting by quoting a few bible passages that say what intelligent people knew all along: you have to put aside money. Then in time it will be like they ‘always said that’. Meanwhile, we all know they did not.
Again, this sage advice is too late for the millions of JWs who bought into the ‘no career & don’t save for retirement or else you have no faith and the envious people in the hall won’t approve’ stance..
Those of us who didn’t follow the misery-loves-company crowd in the religion and never listened to that ridiculous ‘advice’ are ever grateful we didn’t!
a post from another exjw site, shows how throughout the years, in a regular, systematic fashion, the watchtower has influence thoroughly; an ideological point of view, in the minds of it’s members by using bible scriptures and examples, to get the members to do the unthinkable, even if it clashes with modern ethics.
february 2016 watchtower, paragraph 3 of the article titled .
"learn from jehovah’s loyal servants".
Thanks for the compliment but I may have had an advantage because I wasn’t raised in the JW religion!
Sometimes the so-called ‘world’ doesn’t like critical thinkers either especially if it’s calling into question somebody’s agenda!!
Back several decades ago when the Witness religion seemed ‘more scholarly’ , many intelligent people got involved.. In time, some of them became disillusioned when all was not what it seemed.. Others stuck around because of that word ‘loyalty’. They were and are captive because of it. Everybody leaves for different reasons. Even though I was persona non grata because I worked full-time, the last straw for me was the 1995 Generation change. I was done with it.
The word ‘loyalty’ didn’t enter my mind at that point because I didn’t believe anything the religion said anymore.
this information is supposed to be in the upcoming march wt.
(i don’t go on jw dot org).
it would sound like they are hinting at a change in thinking.. in my opinion, any such change would be yet another slap in the face to faithful pimis along with those other recent changes.. there are so many heartfelt responses on that thread and a lot of justified anger.. don’t know what to say except that i’m so glad i never listened to the religion all those years ago.
As was said several posts back, I believe the JW religion wants to have it both ways. They are walking a tightrope with this. On one hand, they can’t make it sound like the End is a long time away. On the other hand, they want to make it sound that they put it out there (subtly) that people should prepare for their future.
I’m sure they know now that their teaching of no college/no careers has caused millions to be poor and reach retirement unprepared because they were told Armageddon would be coming to save them.. I thank God I never fell for this.
You say “they don’t want millions of old JWs in hardship…”. How kind. What I believe they REALLY think is “we do not want to appear to be the reason all these people are in hardship…”. There, I fixed it for you.
a post from another exjw site, shows how throughout the years, in a regular, systematic fashion, the watchtower has influence thoroughly; an ideological point of view, in the minds of it’s members by using bible scriptures and examples, to get the members to do the unthinkable, even if it clashes with modern ethics.
february 2016 watchtower, paragraph 3 of the article titled .
"learn from jehovah’s loyal servants".
I have been out of the Jehovah’s Witness religion for over 23 years. I did a ‘Fade a couple of years after the 1995 thing.
I remember reading in recent years on the forum about the famous statement you quoted: “We must be ready to obey even if it doesn’t make sense....”.
Shouldn’t a statement like this have made intelligent people wonder what’s going on? Like what are they going to be asked to do? I’m convinced that all the intelligent people in the religion should have already headed for the door - especially after the recent changes.. The rest are hopeless and captive because of family, etc… Others are just in sleep mode and they don’t care what is taught.
so there's a bill called the social security fairness act that "might" help those on social security.
the bill is something trump said he would push for once he become president.of course there is some rinos and democrats who don't want the bill because they still want to fund wars that americans have no business getting involved.
all the president has to do is signed it "if" he makes it into office.. this could go in effect as soon as next year.
Yes, I am glad I worked. Not gloating over anybody who was misled into thinking they didn’t have to. I cringe when I think what could have happened to me if I were gullible.
I actually had young Witnesses my age back in the day scoff at me. They felt I should have been doing full time ministry like they were. Even though part of me felt they were having a good time (they were invited everywhere), I couldn’t bring myself to quit my job.
And then…. I saw ALL the older people in the congregation who were collecting SS and pensions. They had obviously been in the workforce and I don’t mean housecleaning either. I also noticed ‘intelligent’ people there found a way and were making money. No offense to anybody, but I observed that people who did housecleaning were mostly younger women who lived with their family.. No way they could pay rent by themselves.. Or, a married woman who did housecleaning to make a little extra money.. DON’T forget she had a husband paying the major bills!
So, I realized to myself that I’d be OUT of my mind if I quit my decent job with benefits and IRA to do housecleaning (manual labor and chemicals) with no benefits.🤣
So, I paid no mind to the JWs and didn’t care what they thought.. They weren’t paying my bills nor would they be supporting me in retirement. Fast forward to now, all those young pioneers have reached senior years mostly unprepared whereas I am. If I were around them now they would surely resent me and expect me to give them $$. My answer would be NO. There you have it.
so there's a bill called the social security fairness act that "might" help those on social security.
the bill is something trump said he would push for once he become president.of course there is some rinos and democrats who don't want the bill because they still want to fund wars that americans have no business getting involved.
all the president has to do is signed it "if" he makes it into office.. this could go in effect as soon as next year.
Yes. I have heard some JWs collect SSI benefits and yet pioneer.👎
But, some people (not just Witnesses) mistakenly think they can get regular SS even if they never worked.
Maybe if some JW with a long life once worked in their earlier years on more than one job and pioneered later in life 🤣 - they could possibly fall into the category of somebody who qualifies under the Fairness Act and they could benefit. But, this is far fetched and this would be an extremely rare JW indeed.
All in all, the religion’s pushing people to pioneer and not work may possibly lead to those who try to get money any way they can.👎