Good analogy! I wasn't around for 1975 but I was around for 1995.
Funny, when 1995 happened I wasn't surprised because I knew they were figuratively running out of time with their lynchpin teaching about 1914 generation. When the article came out there was a lot of talk afterwards, of course. But people didn't actually start leaving right away. No, there was somewhat of a delayed reaction over several years.
Now, what you see is a hall with less than half the people there. And they didn't all die or move away either.
JoinedPosts by LongHairGal
Did anyone ever notice just how many 30-40 year escapees there are?
by AK - Jeff ini know a lot of young people leave the 'truth'.
but i would never have thought that so many of us with 20, 30, 40 years in would be leaving.
what do you think accounts for that?
The killing of Job's family...
by Hecklerboy ini'm having a conversation with a couple of people in my office as i type this.
i'm asking the question "why did god allow satan to kill job's family?
" i told them that to say he did it to prove job's faithfullness and that he got even more in return for his faithfulness is not a good enough answer.
I don't remember if the story is literal or not but it was used pretty often.
What I didn't like was how they expected us to place little value on our lives because we could to lose it due to persecution, etc. But I am not so sure that everybody there felt the same. I always wondered if some of the more exalted ones felt that the "other guy" should give up his life but not them. -
Is The Governing Body Guilty?
by Honesty inall i heard the whole time i was a jw is, "satan is working hard to break up the family arrangement in the organisation".
well, the only ones i ever saw breaking up families is the jw religion.
if you leave the religion for any reason you and any of your jw family are publicly estranged from each other with the threat of being df'd hanging over the heads of each of your active jw family members if they have more than minimal contact with you.
What you said brought back memories and just makes me hate them all the more.
People that aren't even df'd are also rather reluctant to talk even in general. For instance at a gathering when you talk to certain ones and they all of a sudden "clam up" when certain things are brought up. This used to kill me! They are so afraid of being quoted so they either won't say anything or they will speak in such a mealy-mouthed manner that it is the same thing.
I have no respect and no use for them and their phony brotherhood. -
Boring talks - elders not invited again
by stillajwexelder ini heard today, the most boring talk ever.
speaker had zero enthusiasm and zero modulation.
it was awful and many others thought so too.
I remember years ago sitting through talks by elderly "anointed" ones that were such psycho-babble I couldn't even follow it.
But there was such creature-worship surrounding these men that certain people overlooked it and thought it was such an honor to have them there, etc. -
Constant updates
by kwintestal inwhen you visit jw family, do you get bombarded by "updates" of what others are doing as jw's?.
i do and it takes everything i have to say what's really on my mind.... my dad just got back from a vacation visiting family.
i ask how so-and-so is doing ... "oh, they're great.
Very funny about showing up an arrogant person. Also interesting about you feeling like he acted like the god of his little domain. I always felt like certain elders acted like little dictators and that everybody there was their subject or in their employ.
Problem is, I don't work for them. -
Stupid Analogies/Illustrations/examples you hear dubs say over and over
by doodle-v inwhat are some stupid analogies that you here dubs use all the time to explain their faulty, destructing teachings?
or maybe ones you've used in the past that when you think about them now, make you cringe?.
here are a few that come to mind:.
I remember hearing all of these stupid sayings. The thing that bothers me is that the people are so gullible they act as if these sayings are gospel truths. They are just clever sayings.
But what really got me was when people referred to pictures in the publications as if they were actual photographs taken in the first century - instead of the modern artwork they really are. -
Crazies in the kingdom hall ... but I understand them.
by ithinkisee inthere are some people (ex-elders) in my hall that are turning really creepy ... falling in and out ... in their 50's ... .
people say they can't understand how they used to be these cool elders, and now they are totally weird.
their kids are around my age and it is killing them to see their "previously elder father" falling in and out of the truth.
I understand them but I don't pity them.
Scariest FDS "AUTHORITY" articles ...
by ithinkisee in.
one of the traits of cults is that they constantly have to re-assert their authority and remind people that they are the boss and to listen and not question.. what are the scariest examples of authority articles to you in the society's publications?.
I don't know if this counts but for anybody who hasn't gone there in years there has been more counsel about how we should not criticize the elders. It seems they are hypersensitive on this subject. They want to shut everybody's mouth.
They are also elevating the elders somewhat with this appointed by holy spirit thing. -
Did they try to get you to do prison witnessing?
by LongHairGal ini remember them trying to get a bunch of sisters to go prison witnessing.
i felt very uncomfortable about the whole thing.
i voiced my concerns to an elder and was told we were only witnessing to the women and we were safe.
I remember them trying to get a bunch of sisters to go prison witnessing. I felt very uncomfortable about the whole thing. I voiced my concerns to an elder and was told we were only witnessing to the women and we were safe. I declined anyway.
When I went home and thought about it in more detail I realized there is a danger that perhaps they haven't thought about.
What would happen if a sister went prison witnessing and spoke to certain individuals and at some future date one of those women gets an early release for some reason. Let's say that the sister is in a shopping mall somewhere and unbeknownst to her she is spotted by this former prisoner who is perhaps with a boyfriend of dubious character and she proceeds to point the unsuspecting sister out and relates how that "sister" came to the prison and maybe she can give them money, etc., etc.
Can you imagine the possible scenario? That sister could be the victim of a carjacking or mugging in a parking lot or worse. This could also apply to a brother as well.
Think about it. -
Field Service is a Farce
by swiftbreeze ini touch on this subject in another post but i felt the need to take it further...back in the day jw's went out in fs but i don't know about today.... i live in a big city....the territory my congregation has is small because there are so many cong.
here.. our bookstudy only had maybe four blocks at the most to work.
my ex husband and i would go to the meetings and hear talk about fs and all the wonderful and experiences and the joy oh joy in being out in the ministry.
You are right. The pioneers and elders would disappear and go on their pre-arranged favorite calls with their favorite people. The rest of the "friends" would clique-up as well and single ones like myself that were left over would get to work with the congregation mental cases and rejects and have a really stressful time.
And this was before you even got out into the field!! I absolutely hated it!