I heard today, the most boring talk ever. Speaker had zero enthusiasm and zero modulation. It was awful and many others thought so too. In your hall were the elders good about not inviting anyone to do a talk again after they had done a bad one? I hope our elders never invite this guy again. I know when I was on the body of elders I used to make a point of saying that boring and poor speakers should never be invited again
Boring talks - elders not invited again
by stillajwexelder 26 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Actually the more boring the talk the easier it is to program someone,, becuase of bordom the mind gets tired of trying to make sense of what the speaker is saying and ideas get uncritically accepted.
We had an unwritten rule of not inviting boring speakers back again. Or older speakers who didn't follow the outline.
It really sucks when you think that the TMS Overseer is a boring speaker. We had one and I swear I fell asleep every time he gave counsil. When he gave a public talk though, I got the best sleep in then I ever got!
In a hall in Northern VA , there was this young sub co who used to follow the speaker with the TAL OUTLINE, like is done at the district convention- aftter the talk he would pull you to the side to cousel you on what YOU MISSED, ETC
I GAVE A talk in his hall and sure enough this turkey pulled me to the side, but i was ready for him, for i knew that you are not suppose to do that. so when he started i pulled his chain and he tried to make an issue of the matter, well i told him LETS CALL THE CO-
THE CO was a former bethelite like myself and i had spoken to him that sat night about the fact that he does that, well to make a long story short the CO was waiting for his call and blasted him
this is one of the problem of the org,NOT ONLY do you have WT goffy rules, but then local elders want to add their own rules as well
you got to love it
We are between 50 and 100 miles from the nearest congos, so we take what we can get. All of the nearest congos only have 2 or 3 elders each to exchange so we cant be picky. The farther congos have more elders but they of course want exchanges for speakers, so the most speakers we can wring out of them is 3 maybe 4.
I garuntee you that most elders who give pulbic talks shouldnt.
This is the lame ass technique many of them use.
1. Read/paraphrasev a main heading from the outline
2. Lookup and read cited scripture
3. Infer a point from the cited scripture but dont explain or examine what it says.
4. Read an experience or two from the year book or WT
5. Rinse and repeat for 45 mins. -
I remember years ago sitting through talks by elderly "anointed" ones that were such psycho-babble I couldn't even follow it.
But there was such creature-worship surrounding these men that certain people overlooked it and thought it was such an honor to have them there, etc. -
But there was such creature-worship surrounding these men that certain people overlooked it and thought it was such an honor to have them there, etc.
hehehe.. yep...
I DO remember those feelings that were mainly sparked from my mother who just LOVED some of these men. She actually was a CO groupy. She followed one [or should I saw, chased] to a Maryland convention instead of going to our NY convention. But I digress.
The last time I sat through a meeting was about 5years ago and the local elder giving the Sunday talk was not only boring to me, he looked like he doubted his own words. He really did...
No Apologies
I thought I'd heard that the visiting speaker was supposed to get counseled on his talk afterwards, privately by one of the loca lelders. Usually it never happened, but I thought that was how it worked.
Then again I never gave a public talk...
No Apologies
There was a system introduced some years ago, where the TMS director was to sit with the outline in hand and check that the speaker followed it and also the time scheduled given, and he was supposed to comment on this to the speaker afterwards. I do not think it was ever followed, but it was supposed to. Attempt at sorting out "the last of the independant", I guess.