I couldn't stand all the titles and categories they had! I felt they were hooked on respect which maybe in some cases bordered on adulation. I had a problem with this because I always saw it as unchristlike. The early christians were not hooked on titles. And this was not limited to men only. There were certain sisters there who ate up the attention they got because of being a pioneer.
I was never desirous of attention and people do not impress me. I think that is why perhaps I pissed some people off because I didn't give the sense that I was as impressed with them as they were with themselves.
Even today in the "world" in general I absolutely hate when I have any dealings with a man who thinks he is a pasha or a woman who thinks she is a great lady.
JoinedPosts by LongHairGal
Did you think they were hooked on titles and "classes"?
by LongHairGal ini couldn't stand all the titles and categories they had!
i felt they were hooked on respect which maybe in some cases bordered on adulation.
i had a problem with this because i always saw it as unchristlike.
Where Is The Love?
by minimus inroberta flack sang that song in the 1970's.
today, it's the anthem for jehovah's witnesses in the "worldwide brotherhood".
this religion says they are different.
Further to everybody's comments:
I always felt it was an-every-man-for-himself situation when I was there. There was always that nagging loneliness, like I was floating on a life raft in the middle of the ocean. You were essentially on your own. Even though they said you were in a brotherhood in my heart I never felt or believed that.
I remember one day years ago after a Sunday meeting when everybody was talking. I was standing at my seat getting my stuff together and I looked around. I felt a stab of loneliness and wanted to cry.
Finding love there is like looking for water in the desert. It is there but you have to dig in the right place.
Sharp dressed men, or thanks WTS.....
by bikerchic in.....yeah thanks to all the men in my (past wts) life!.
i've recently started working for a big department store and was hired to work in the men's department.
i've found that my years of being a jw has finally paid off because if there is one thing i learned being a jw is how sharp dressed men dress and yes some of those elders could really put on the nines!.
There were three types of male dressers.
The first were the typical cheap polyester suit types. What usually went with this ensemble was not so good hygiene. They also looked like they were at least ten years late for a dental appointment. They were low income but usually sincere. They could be older or somewhat young. This look is on the way out as no self-respecting guy there wants to look tacky.
The next type was the middle of the roader who dressed okay. Businesslike/conservative and not too tacky. In all fairness most of the men in recent years fell in this category. If someone looked really bad he would be spoken to. After a while he would clean up his act and start to look like the rest of the upwardly mobile ones there.
The last category was the super stylish one dressed expensively. Most common in a more well-to-do area.
Keep in mind that the guys running the show set the tone for everybody else. -
Where Is The Love?
by minimus inroberta flack sang that song in the 1970's.
today, it's the anthem for jehovah's witnesses in the "worldwide brotherhood".
this religion says they are different.
Wonderful and touching post!
You mention about them "dying for you". This is a joke, really. People who don't say hello now and ignore you for various reasons are not going to rise to the occasion at some future date and act heroicly.
I never really expected or wanted them to. I just couldn't stand the pretense. -
JW love in action: JWs fail to inform me when roommate of two years dies
by seattleniceguy inwhen i was a witness, i shared a house with an elder/pioneer named herb.
herb was in his eighties, and he had paid off his two-bedroom house long ago, so he would offer the extra bedroom to local brothers.
it was a good deal, and herb got some company at the house, so everyone benefited.. for being in his eighties, herb was exceptionally fit.
This is just one more example that shows the JWs to be the mental cripples that they are. Some of them sin by omission but some of them are just pathetic.
Not that I am making excuses for anybody but they are kept so busy that their heads are barely above water to see what is going on. I always got the impression that they wanted everybody to not know what was going on. Almost as if everybody was isolated (unless they were in cliques of course).
They have no love. That's just a word. -
JW Discussion Forums Have Evolved.... Do You Like Them Better?
by minimus inyears ago when h2o was the rage, some unbelievable discussions used to go on.
as a just lurking witness, i found the exchanges to be quite stimulating.
all of the old soldiers were there, the ones that busted any view that jws "could" have "the truth".
I like them better now precisely because they have everything from serious discussion to fluff.
In the old days some of the conversations were tedious. Now, depending on what your issues are/were you can find a thread to comment on. You see, not everyone left because of doctrinal issues so they are not necessarily interested in the longer threads that quote many scriptures and are arguing some particular point.
I have noticed that some persons who post on this board are in the "intellectual snob" category and tend to downgrade what they call "fluff". -
Dubs abusing people
by gringojj ini am so pissed right now.
i will try and make this as easy to understand as possible.
my wife has 2 kids that are not biologically mine that her mother has taken custody of until we are ready to take them back.
Sorry, I didn't mean to sound so harsh, I just hate everybody being taken advantage of by them.
I'll be more gentle.
Who here has written Bethel?
by unbeliever indid you get a response?
i know cruzanheart did.
i wrote one letter asking about the un.
Years ago when I was "in" I wrote them several times. My letters were criticizing some ridiculous point or article in the magazines which made me angry.
The first several times they responded but they NEVER addressed all the points I raised. This made me angry and got me to thinking. So I never bothered again. -
Paradise is hell
by gringojj inmy wifes biggest fear at this point is what if sheis wrong about the wts and they are really right.
i told her even if they are right or wrong it doesnt matter.
reason is she knows she would be miserable if she joined them.
Reading that nightmarish piece of fiction one is struck with the fact that it sounds like it could be real.
What is particularly frightening is in that scenario they would be absolute authorities - because everybody else would be gone. Not like now! Now, they are in subjection to the laws of the land, so they can't carry out capital punishment.
But if they were the absolute authority, what a horror. -
Dubs abusing people
by gringojj ini am so pissed right now.
i will try and make this as easy to understand as possible.
my wife has 2 kids that are not biologically mine that her mother has taken custody of until we are ready to take them back.
Please forgive me for saying this but what a stupid woman she is!!!
Under 74 is right when he says they will overstep their boundaries whenever they can. I learned early on they do not respect boundaries, especially with a woman. So, you had to be snotty and short with them!
When they see a stupid woman like this they will exploit her to the nth degree. Sadly, when and if the time comes and she is no longer able to do favors for these blood-sucking ingrates they will forget her like yesterday's garbage!!