That is a very sad and touching story you tell about this sister and BLESS you for being there for her! You are a wonderful person.
Everything she says I relate to. Except I am not crying like she is.. I was raised Catholic and came into the Witnesses as a young working adult. I refused to quit my job to appease them.. But, you should have seen the hypocrisy: all the older people in the hall were collecting pensions because they were in the workforce. But, yet they shunned me because I WAS in the workforce. However, I ignored all this.
As far as looking for a man there: all the good ones were taken and the leftovers were oddballs that I didn’t want. I thought it best to look outside but kept quiet about it. I have heard recently that the men there (40ish age bracket) are looking for teenage girls to marry! So, any older woman with a brain has to look elsewhere.
The religion wants single women around as drudges to do favors anyway. Before I ‘Faded’ in 2001, I never did favors for anybody there. Nope. Not after all the hate I got over my full-time job. Today I am retired and Glad I never listened to the Witnesses.. I am sorry that this sister and others who listened and followed the ‘pioneering/no career’ path are struggling today! So sad.