This is a sad story for anybody who worked for ‘free’ doing volunteer work instead of a REAL job where they pay into Social Security. I am sorry anybody fell for this. Those Witnesses already on the outside are better off, in my opinion, than those in bethel. Nothing sadder or worse than a bethelite who gets kicked out over 50 years of age who not only has no $$ but doesn’t know how the world works.
I know what you mean about them thinking they ‘had the world by the tail’!
I remember this arrogant attitude by some people there.. They pioneered and were ‘admired’ and invited to special dinners and gatherings that I was not invited to because I would not quit my full-time job.. Some of them actually came up to me and scoffed and told me ‘I was missing out’ . That was decades ago..
We have all reached our senior years. These people expected they’d be in ‘the New World’ by now., At least I rid myself of this delusion many years ago and kept that job until it was time to retire!
Instead, these JWs have to keep trying to make a living in a VERY bad economy and getting older with health problems.