It was the most normal, peaceful day I have ever experienced with my mom. A part of me wanted to say, "Who are you, and what did you do with my mom?" I even mentioned that I had a membership at the YMCA and she said that she might consider getting one too! What the? When I was a kid we couldn't even look at the Y because that is where the devil wants us to stray away from him! Then she even said, "Have you ever considered moving to Florida? I think you would really like it, and we could get together alot more." That left me speechless, but I somehow was able to say, "No, I think that we were going to stay around here for awhile or maybe move to California if we could afford it."
We went to IHOP, then to Toy's R' Us, the mall, then to Wendy's, my house, and then to a YMCA camp ground. I didn't want her to spend money on me and the kids but we almost had a tense situation in front of the waitress, so I agreed reluctantly. All in all though, it was a healing day for me.
When I first saw her get out of the car, I was taken back. She had gray hair and alot of wrinkles. When I last saw her she was in her 50's and now she's a senior citizen! I just felt sorry for her that she made so many bad decisions in her life that she made herself miserable, thinking that's what god wanted her to do. I'm grateful to her that she gave birth to me, because of her I have life and my children. I know with every fiber of my body that I will never have the mother/ daughter relationship that every person should experience. But I understand and forgive her for not being capable of being a good parent. I only hope that I live up to my daughter and son's expectation of what a mom should be like. At lunch, I told her that my house was messy to warn her before coming in. (I pushed all my house chores aside until I finished this week of school, it's amazing how one week of not cleaning looks like hell) Anyways, then my sister spoke up and said," Well....also, you spend more time with your kids then anyone I know. I think it's better to spend time with them then to spend your whole life cleaning the house." My mom said, "They say, your children will leave but you'll always have house work." Then she seemed a little sad.
Tonight, when my husband got off work we all went to Koto Buki for some japanese food. It was a great ending to my day. Love