Grandparents, awesome people....parents, awesome people....
They just fell prey to the PT Barnum of religon.
We built a great religion.
My grand parents are gone now. My parents are fading.
I guess we just need to wait on Jehovah, eh?
my maternal and paternal grandmothers fell in love with this amazing and charismatic gent named j.f.
rutherford......the rest is history..
Grandparents, awesome people....parents, awesome people....
They just fell prey to the PT Barnum of religon.
We built a great religion.
My grand parents are gone now. My parents are fading.
I guess we just need to wait on Jehovah, eh?
my maternal and paternal grandmothers fell in love with this amazing and charismatic gent named j.f.
rutherford......the rest is history..
My maternal and paternal grandmothers fell in love with this amazing and charismatic gent named J.F. Rutherford......the rest is history.
my dad heard from the co who heard from a do that heard from his brother-in-law that heard from the friend of a governing body's wife, that the gb is getting very concerned that "the friends" are losing sight of the nearness of the panda-petting paradise.
many of these friends are also looking too critically at the "spiritual food" provided by the "faithful slave class.".
don't tell anyone else, but i hear that the gb has begun testing something new on some of the sheeple.
Do I have to wait till the summer convention to get mine??
I've been trying to figure out why all the hatred. It's clear to me now.
while i took my shower.. i went through my leon redbone routine, starting with "shine on harvest moon".. i must say i do a dead on redbone imitation.. .
Doing Redbone in the shower, eh?
When I listened to the speeches at this dinner, I could swear there was a laugh track. Had to listen on the radio in the car.
the case is garnering national attention.
it's pretty evident that both murderer and victim were jws, most likely in "good standing".
the jw angle is playing more prominently as details unfold.
Well, here's how one of the "rank and file" feels about it...facebook posting:
Jokes anyone?