We watched the Coronado Hills fire first hand as it burned it's way down the hill a few gusts of wind away from our house. Not a front row seat that I want to have again! Between the fire and the extreme winds, last night was not tops on our list, or that of all our neighbors as we watched and wondered if we would have homes to return to if we were told to leave. We are among the lucky ones who only lost a nights sleep as we watched and waited and were evacuated for about 7 hours.
JoinedPosts by caligirl
O% Containment of Fires in SoCal
by purplesofa ini don't think this is a hoax.. i have been watching this am the wildfires in socal.
they have already lost some beautiful buildings.
it does not look like things will let up soon.. i was in malibu a few yeares ago, horrible to see.. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,303799,00.html.
Bush leave Australia and don't come back!
by WT=watchtrouble inlmao sorry but i dislike the evil president.
who does he think he is coming over to oz and expecting us to close down a city, put on hundreds of police and spend millions of dollars for his protection.
thousands of lifes have been lost because of this freak.
"Bush is a moron, and most americans would agree with that, hell most of them didnt' vote for the guy! "
Actually sweetstuff, with all due respect, he wouldn't be president if your statement were factual. He was elected by majority vote, which means that the majority of Americans who showed up at the polls DID vote for him. Whether some regret it now or disagree with choices he has made since then is really beside the point. Wouldn't it make sense that the security measures (which the powers in your country hold the ultimate say in) are for ALL 21 attendees and their staff and NOT just George Bush? I thought this was the Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation summit? My mistake, I must have missed the news broadcast where they re-named it the George Bush Economic Co-operation Summit. I'll go look again. -
I Believe She's Trying to Get me Disfellowshipped!
by R.F. ini've tried to be nice about it, perhaps i'm just a little too nice when dealing with her.
ok, my ex-fiancee started blowing up my phone again and leaving voicemails.
i considered changing my number weeks ago but changed my mind when her calls stopped but i might need to consider it now.
Usually, if someone feels the need to constantly tell you that they have moved on, the opposite is true, but you already know that!
I'd say that changing your phone number(s), and make sure your land line is unlisted (if you have one) If she shows up in person when she can no longer harass you by phone, then worry about a restraining order. But given that you say she is really mentally ill, a restraining order could be mostly useless. Mentally ill people tend to think that the law applies to everyone but them.
Did the time come when it became unbearable to walk in the Kingdom Hall?
by RULES & REGULATIONS ini didn't attend any meetings in the month of august.
i worked too many hours and i just don't care any longer.
just the thought of driving 45 minutes,greeting brothers and sisters who don't really care about each other,singing the dreadful songs,listening to the boring talk(which are repeats of a repeat),going over the slanted watchtower study and then driving another 45 minutes home.. how did you feel when you knew that it was becoming unbearable to attend another meeting?.
OMG, I'm going to die :(
by lola28 inbecause it is hot as hell outside, it has to be 113 at least, when you walk outside you feel like you are on fire, someone make it stop!
i can't imagine going out in service in this heat but this morning on my way to work what do i see?
faithful jws walking the streets, should it be considered child abuse to make children go out in ervice in this heat?.
Ever spend someones contribution by accident?
by KW13 ini did, 1.. i was so guilty i paid it back in full, i think i was 10 .
Man gets charged for lemonade he made at a resturant!
by Dragonlady76 inok this is just wrong!.
ONE lemon wedge hardly makes lemonade out of a glass that size. And I don't get charged for an "Arnold Palmer" when I squeeze the lemon into my iced tea and add the Splenda. The lemon is given out as part of the drink, and the sweeteners are there to be used by the customers. I have seen some restaurants only put the sweetener out if someone orders a drink that might need it, which would probably have been a more prudent and less confrontational way for this particular restaurant to handle this issue if it is such a huge loss of revenue for them to have this man use 2 packets of splenda. The way most tap water tastes, sweet & low is probably a great improvement!
Personally, I don't order lemonade at a restaurant because it usually tastes funky and is loaded with too much sugar . I can see why the man would feel that water with a squeeze of lemon and a couple of sweet & low would taste better than what is passed off as lemonade in many restaurants. But it seems he has way to much time on his hands to be making such a big fuss out of this.
are some warning labels really necessary?
by bigdreaux inwhat are some of the stupidest warning labels you've seen?.
i just bought some sleep aid pills, and get this, they may cause drowsiness..
We cut our electricity bill in half
by rebel8 inwe did it by reducing television and air conditioner usage, being more conservative about using the oven, getting rid of an old freezer, and changing our light bulbs.
i'm very proud of us!
I wish that would happen here! There really ought to be more solar power, especially here in SoCal. PEC has the right idea! Our bill for July was $291, but considering last June was over $400, It's not as bad as it could be. Especially considering that our AC is on constantly right now.
I did replace almost all of our traditional bulbs with the CFL's and it has made a difference in the bill by $30-40.
What Do You Do for Work / Career?
by BlackPearl ini've been on the board for quite a while now and was wondering, what do my fellow jwdr's do for work, employment or career?
me, i'm in probably one of the most hated careers in america right now.
(not gonna tell you what it is either) but how about you, what do you do to earn a little coin?.