The inside of my car is currently spotless because I haven't had time to mess it up yet. Usually, my car looks a chaotic as my brain feels. I just have too many things to do to remember to just take the stuff out every day. I always tell myself that if I only takethe moment to clean it out as I go, it will always look nice- but I am always running from one thing to another.
JoinedPosts by caligirl
Does the INSIDE of your vehicle reflect your personality?
by Gregor ina garbage can on wheels or neat, clean and tidy?
Do You Think ENGLISH Should Be The Official Language In America?
by minimus insome politicians are saying this would be "racist".
What do you do for living?
by averyniceguy ini am america sign language teacher and a caretaker of a house near the beach.
what do you do for living?
I am a full time mom, thanks to my wonderful husband. (Domestic engineer was a cute way to put it.) Domestic goddess maybe better? How about CFO, maid, peace keeper, cook, professional shopper, and many other titles? Plus I handle the book keeping for my husband's business. I think a survey once figured that to pay someone to do all the jobs that a SAHM does would be over $250k a year! Seems to me that we are worth our weight in gold!
I gave up full time work outside the home last year and you know, I thought i would have SO much time to get things done. Turns out I still have a full time job and then some. (Plus, I spend way too much time on this board!) I just gave up the job that deposited money into my bank account every 2 weeks! Personally, I find my role as full time Mom and wife far more rewarding than accounting ever was (most of the time, anyways, lol! There are days when I feel like I am losing my mind!)
i want to make jehoover happy
by mathead inshould i join the dubs again and become a 60 hours per month publisher and then work my way up to a 90 hour per month pioneer and then a ministerial servent and then a watchtower study conductor and then a literature servant and then an elder and then a travelling overserr and then a district oveerseer and then a member of the governing body?.
will this make jehoover happy?
or confused?
Besides, I don't think you have to work that hard any more. Isn't it 50 hours for aux. and 70 for regular pioneering now? Or have I just been gone too long and they went and upped it again?
You left the witless way of life - you are making god happy.
For those of you who wear contact lenses
by Wolfgirl in .
renu with moistureloc solution recalled worldwide.
i wouldn't have known except my husband heard it on the radio on the way home.
It is the solution I was using for a while.
I had sent for a free sample when it first came out, so I got an email when they recalled it. I just another one today that said, "As indicated in our previous email, we stopped selling our MoistureLoc® formulation more than a month ago. Despite exhaustive testing, we are unable to eliminate the possibility of a link to an apparent increase of a rare eye infection. Therefore, we will not reintroduce the MoistureLoc® formula."
OMG I'm addicted to the reruns of soap opera "Another World"...
by TresHappy inthe storyline i am following is from 1990...found it on soapnet last year and tape it every day to watch corny is that?
I used to watch that! What is the current storyline? I want to see if I remember it at all. I used to watch that show as well as Days of Our Lives in the summer or whenever I was home and no one else was. Ah, memories of keeping my finger on the remote button in case anyone came home!
The Challange of Faith
by truth_be_told ini stumbled on this site dong some research, i post now only for those you have not sinned against jehovah's holy spirit, since only jehovah knows this, some value might be taken form this.
i currently serve as the service overseer in my congregation, i have been an elder for over 10 years.. the fundmental issue that challanges every jw faith at some point are the imperfections of the wtbs, & those that take the lead sometimes make huge errors.
as a third generation jw with a huge network of elders, i have heard many bad things about those that take the lead.. some of these have effected myself and my family, this is the test, no different than what job faced, but it is more on the emotional and mental level.
Interesting title to the thread.
I was raised as a witness. My parents are still very active (elder Dad and pioneer Mom) I have the utmost respect for my parents. IFor whatever reason, being a witness works for them, and that is their choice. It fills a need, a void, that they have. Thus far, they have refused to shun thier children, even though we have all made our exit from the witnesses. That is why I respect my parents. As deeply involved as they are, they still know that shunning is wrong.
Looking back now, I can say that I had no faith then. Where is the need for faith when you are being told that you already have all the answers? Nothing that I was taught required faith. What was required was blind, unquestioning obedience. I believe that I was around 12 when it first dawned on me that what I was hearing from the platform didn't really mesh with the scriptures. I can vividly remember reading the context of a scripture and realizing that the "meaning" I had just been given had nothing to do with the actual context of the scripture being read. I don't remember the exact scripture because there were so many. All in all, I felt I was witnessing modern day pharisees.
I walked away for good after the birth of my first child. I knew that I could not be a hypocrite and raise him in something that I did not believe in myself. I didn't leave because I wanted to go out and do bad, sinful things. I didn't leave because I was too weak to follow what I was told God was requiring of me. I left because my God given conscience told me that I could not stay there and pretend that I believed it was true just so people would continue to talk to me. I could not tell others to examine their religion under a microscope when I knew that such detailed examination of my own was not allowed. I watched witch hunts go on. I watched a family member be accused of starting their own religion and hearing that rumor spread around the circuit like a bad game of telephone, all to prevent anyone from actually TALKING to this person, even though he had never expressed his feelings to ANYONE that had not asked him.
I guess the simplest way to put it is that I realized that I had been given the house built on sand, and I wanted the one built on the rock mass. I now have that. And the warmth and love and connection and faith that I have now cannot be adequately put into words. It leaves me nearly speechless, this feeling that I now have because I have that close personal relationship with Christ. He is my mediator, not men.
How many of the 50 states have you seen?
by AK - Jeff in.
have you got a favorite place in the states - a special part of them you would like to call home if you could?.
I think 20, but 5 of those have only been at whatever airport I was flying through! I want to visit them all, even if it is justlong enough to be able to say that I have been there.
When Did You Start To S L O W Down In The "Truth"???
by minimus inwhen you look back at it, what got you to slow down?
As soon as I moved out of my parents house! It was so great to be able to choose to stay in bed instead of getting up in the morning!
Got to see the baby!
by Nosferatu inman, that was cool.
i got to see the baby beating the crap out of his/her mother today on the ultrasound screen!
the hospital is mean and doesn't want to tell us the sex of the baby, so we'll have to pick a gender-neutral name like "rocky" or something.. j/k :).
Congratulations! Technology is awesome. I knew someone who had one of those 3D ultrasounds so that they literally had a picture of their baby before she was even born. I didn't have that, but it was still awesome to see them on that screen moving all around!