We are in the San Diego area.
JoinedPosts by caligirl
CA members
by Chameleon inwho here is in ca?
i'm in southern ca, and that's all i'm willing to reveal for now.
Been in South Portland, Maine all week - what should I eat tonight????
by confusedjw inok, i'm bored.
been in a hotel all week going to a cisco school.
i've eaten at outback steakhouse, uno and olive garden.
and have one for me!!!
Are Faders "better" than DF'd or DA'd?
by ESTEE inthis is something i've been mulling over.
just would like to hear opinions as to whether faders, or inactive ones think they are superior to disfellowshipped or disassociated ones?
what is your experience with this?
It really doesn't matter how one exits, and each situation is so highly individual. They are all trumatic and painful, whether you are thrown out by being DF'd, or choose to leave on your own terms by DA'ing or fading.
We are all in the same boat, regardless of the method by which we exit.
evolution or creation? lets talk...
by Sam87 inok, lets have a discussion about where we all came from, evolution or creation?
(or whatever you beleive in of course) every one put down there main reasons, along with reasonable facts and backup as to why.. .
hopefully this doesnt start to many arguments, lol.. .
In my opinion, I think that God created life originally and then let it evolve for entertainment. Then to further his fun, leave bits and pieces of evidence of that evolutionary process for us "higher" life forms to find and ponder over.
Highly entertaining to watch scientists try to come up with a good explanation for a platapus, eh?
Did u want to leave the org bcause u were doing something immoral?
by Will2Power in..and then sought to justify your leaving the organisation/religion by researching websites like this (to salve your conscience, justify continuing in your pleasurable but unscriptural lifestyle), or did you sincerely leave purely because you discovered certain false teachings, scandals, etc, while still living a moral, christian lifestyle?
be honest now, i mean really honest.
(this is not meant to offend anyone but viewed like a survey).
Nope... I left because my conscience would not allow me to remain a part of something that I felt was a farce (mockery; a ridiculous sham). I did not feel comfortable associating myself with a group that expected me to believe that God would kill everyone on earth that didn't get 10 hours per month going door to door and attend 5 meetings a week driving a "proper" car and wearing "appropriate clothing." Oh, that and the fact that so many of the teachings and requirements have nothing at all to do with what the bible actually says, and are burdensome rules thought up by men who have no right to govern my faith or the expression of that faith.
If you want a Christmas Card
by mouthy infrom me send me a address on my pm .
mother/granny/mouthy always send cards to her loved ones seems no one has started a christmas exchange gift this year & i am not going to start it either
I still have last year's list that I put together, and would be happy to add anyone that wants to be on as well.
Ex-JW caller on the Dr Laura Program
by sandy inan ex-jw called the dr. laura show today.
i always miss the beginning of the jw callers.
did anyone hear it?
I did not happen to hear her show today - I do agree with some of the advice she gives, but I also know that she is, like all talk radio hosts, paid to offer her OPINION on questions posed to her. Whether she believes she is always right is really irrelevant- she is pretty outspoken on the matter of her opinions, and that she is well aware that they are in no way humble. She is free to think/say/believe whatever she wants just as the rest of us are. Dhe just has a public forum available to mass distribute her opinions.
Personally, I listen mostly to hear about the train wrecks that some people have made out of their lives and to thank my lucky stars that I am not them. I know that may seem cold, but there are some calls that completely amuse me. I actually like to hear people express their opinions- it is refreshing to hear people eschew "political correctness" and call it like they see it, which is probably why I like the LA talk radio station that I listen to so much.
Which is greater, your time IN, or your time OUT?
by gaiagirl inspecifically, were you an active jw longer than you have been inactive or out of the organization, whichever applies?
i was active for about 15 years, then faded into inactivity, although never df'd or da'd.
time out hasn't yet caught up with time in, but time out is gaining.
In from about age 1 until age 24, baptized at 14. If we count from baptism date, I am 10 months shy of my time out equalling my time in, but a long way to go to be equal if we are counting from the time I was dragged into misery as a defenseless baby.
Anyone in the San Diego area?
by TweetieBird inif anyone is interested in meeting once a month (on a wednesday nite) for dinner or drinks, pm me.
i would like to get to know some of you guys face to face.
Hi Tweetie - Yes, we are in North County. DOn't know about Wednesday nights specifically being that we have 2 young kids, but we are always game to meet up when we can.
by mama1119 ini have "pregnancy induced" carpal tunnel and i don;t believe i have ever felt so much pain.
i used to think people that claimed carpal tunnel were a bunch of wussys, i was wrong.
it hurts very very badly.
Mine developed when I was pregnant as well. The braces they gave out at the dr's office werr very uncomfortable. I ordered one of my own and it was great. I still have problems, and simply put the brace on whenever it starts to bother me. I too used to take it all to lightly when people said that said they had no strength in their hands or had pain, and now I can't open anything any more and have very little hand strength. I included the link here for the brace that I bought.