Just ordered my copy as well.
JoinedPosts by caligirl
by Seeker4 inbarbara anderson has just released a new book on cd that contains some 5000 pages of public court records from the nine lawsuits involving 16 victims that the wts settled secretly in may of this year, plus documents from two other cases the society settled in 2000 and 2006.. .
its called secrets of pedophilia in an american religion: jehovahs witnesses in crisis.. .
the book, and more info from barbara about it, is available here:.
Would you have been born if your parents were NOT J-dubs?
by Highlander ini think it's very safe to say that i would not have been born if one or both of my parents were never jw's.
mom and dad met because they were witnesses.
if not for this cult, they wouldn't have met and i(their armagedden baby) would never have existed.
Yes. My parents became witnesses after I was born.
Inspired or Guilted by the One-legged Pioneer Sister?
by compound complex infriends: guilted or inspired?.
one of our dear regular posters mentioned that she knew the same one-legged pioneer sister i had heard tell of throughout my career as a jehovah's witness.
the tear-jerking accounts of her ten exemplary, theocratic children, all of whom could recite the books of the bible before they could say dada, inspired me to teach my own children well, however late in their own adolescence it took them to come up with their own gurgly version of dada.
Stuff like that never worked on me. I rolled my eyes every time I heard one of those"inspriring" tall tales. And I don' t believe that any of them were invented to inspire. They were definitely invented to guilt.
Were You "Refreshed" After Going To Meetings & Assemblies?
by minimus inthey say that our spiritual food is sooo refreshing!
it's "just what we needed"!.
how did you feel after going out in the ministry or after a meeting?.
I don't ever remember feeling refreshed in any way. What I remember is impatiently waiting for the last person to leave after the book study because the TV was on before the screen door even snapped shut! Or on Sundays, all we thought about was getting home to the Sunday afternoon movies on the channel out of Boston (can't remember what it was at the moment) because Jerry Lewis or Doris Day were the people that had the job of providing "refreshement," not the long boring meetings. That one Sunday a month when we had to go in service instead of right home were PURE TORTURE!
My Brother Died in a Car Wreck Last Night
by WLG ini just found out about an hour ago.
he wasn't even old enough to drink yet.. to make it even sh*ttier, he had called me a few weeks ago and asked if he could come out here with me but i couldn't do it at the time.
so of course the first thing that comes to mind is if i had done something different it wouldn't have happened.. he was going through the sh*t as i call it, when witnesses go off the deep end and get into everything in the world to stop hurting and they don't even know what is wrong.
I'm so sorry for your loss.
Everybody Say Hello to Barbie Doll aka Barbara my Wife
by PEC inhi, sweetie, welcome to the nuthouse.
Welcome and I am looking forward to meeting both you and PEC at your BBQ!
Anyone seen the Secret?
by Satans little helper insomeone lent me the dvd of the secret over the weekend.
we watched it last night and i wondered what everyone thought of it?
i thought that it was very "evangelical" and alot like the jw's - large on promise and small on content.
I have no personal experience with it, but I do know a friend of ours who watched it and decided to wish for sex with an asian lady, and the next day, he got his wish when a old flame knocked on the door out of the blue. And yes, she was asian. So, I don' t know if it was "The Secret" at work, or just coincidence, but he says it worked for him!
in the beginning... When did you realise it was the truth ?
by AlphaOmega insorry to do this... and apologies to minimus for pinching his posting style .
a jw friend of mine was speaking about the moment that witnesses "realise that it's the truth".
they didn't say anymore... so i guess that they feel there is a pattern ??.
I never had a beginning with the whole mess. I was not even a year old when my parents "accepted the truth" The choice was made for me, until I exercised my freedom to exit.
How do you feel about people who wear their religion on their sleeve?
by loosie innow remember i live in the bible belt.. ok i know i have issues but this annoys me.
we don't have cubicles that separate you from seeing eveyone else.
just really long desks with 12 inch dividers.
well, I guess that would depend on whether the pentagram was a personal expression of something that you believe in and has personal meaning for you? If it were, then no, I don't think it should be looked at any differently. But if you put it up just to rankle him, then that definitely points to a poor motive to do it. Does that make sense? Maybe that particular cross has special meaning to him and that is the only place he thought he could put it. Plus, if it didn't extend 6" above his monitor, it would extend 6" into the screen space and he wouldn't be able to see part of his screen. Maybe he is AA and that cross the reminder not to go on a bender after work if he has a bad day? One never knows!
It is not that I don't understand where you are coming from, it is just that you didn't point to any of his actions indicating that he looks down on anyone, or has an ulterior motive for having it, it is just that he happens to prominently display objects of his faith at his workstation .
cleaning house
by purplesofa inwhat do you do to get yourself motivated to clean your house.. do you go through spells where you are just not interested in housekeeping?.
i am going through a phase(which now seems to be seroius) of just doing the least amount possible.
same with my yard.. i kept thinking something would spark me, but its just not coming to me.. i would almost rather move than do anything!!!!!!.
Well, I hate cleaning and one of these days, I will hire someone to come in a few times a month and do it for me!
In the mean time, I do have a doormat that says: "This house was clean yesterday. Sorry you missed it!"
Don't get me wrong, my house is sanitary (kitchen disinfected with bleach, bathrooms too, but I definitely have clutter! It doesn't help thatI have an ADD approach to cleaning (my son gets it from somewhere you know!)
I start on the kitchen... then notice that the family room needs to be vaccuumed... then before that is done notice that I ought to replenish the toilet tissue in the bathroom...on the way to do that, I notice that the windows could use cleaning...you get the picture!