The bell went this morning at 10am. WTF is that? Lo and behold...two JW's at the door!!!
It went roughly like this:
Them: Do you know that the bible and science are in perfect harmony
Me: No it isn't, science contradicts the bible.
Them: In the bible the water cycle was explained long before men knew of it.
Me: No it wasn't, it was written in the bible BECAUSE men knew of it.
Them: Here, the bible says the earth is a circle...that means it is a sphere, this was written long before men knew that was true.
Me: A circle is a 2D object...a sphere is 3D, not the same thing I'm afraid. Anyway, the ancient egyptians knew the earth was a sphere.
Me: One question...why did a loving God create the dinosaurs who ripped each others heads off.
Them: We're not sure but we think it was to clear the earth of vegetation before Adam and Eve came (hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!)
Them: We do know however, that the animals were to be in mans subjection and eat straw.
Me: How could the dinosaurs be under man's subjection when they were here before man was?
Them: Well the dinosaurs weren't but the other animals were.
Me: And what about the they look as if they were designed to eat straw?
Them: Well, we believe they were (hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!)
Them: Anyway, please have a look at this pamphlet (It's the "Why you can trust the bible" pamphlet)
Me: OK, do come again...I'll read the pamphlet.
I can't believe they are sending people out in the field claiming to know ANYTHING about science. I'm no scientist but it was so easy to make them look daft. I'm going to read the pamphlet. I want to shoot them down in flames severely next time.
Does anyone have this pamphlet? If so, would you be willing to help me dissect it and highlight all the errors? I'm no good at scriptures. I wasn't a witness. I have no bible or any WTS material at all, so I need to be prepared. Cheers