When I happened upon this site, the words "everyone welcome" in the logo gave me the courage to enter. I knew that what I was doing (surfing the web about JWs) was not "good" according to society standards, but I knew I hadn't been living up to those standards for quite a while anyway.
What I appreciated about the site, once I read a little, was that there truly was a range of opinions and a range of acceptability. It's funny, while the posters generally make fun of the society and the language they use - you even have a language here that from the outside is strange, ie. apologist, dubs, nbsp(?). I've been able to use "context clues" to figure most of it out - but I think someone should put together a key guide for us newbies.
When I got here, I knew that I was having issues with the truth - that is with the organizational requirements. Since I've been around, I've concluded that instead of just being mistaken about some things, perhaps the society has actually been misleading the flock (with intent). That leap doesn't come easily - or quickly!
Being thought of as an apostate is the worst accusation that can be alleged against a witness. I just read someone's post where they stated that an apostate is someone who sins against God - not the society. That's powerful - and I appreciate the insight. While I don't have a desire to picket a kingdom hall or assembly, I also no longer want to be thought of as a JW, and I don't want anyone to think that my actions reflect those of one. While I no longer respect the organizations regulations, I do respect the principles of good and bad that they promote and I am grateful for those guidelines with helping to create the woman I am.
IMHO, there is not much difference in the supertheocratic overzealous witness and the "whatever the appropriate venacular to describe overzealous exwitness is" when they start yelling. Both are equally disturbing.