I have had a rash of JW’s on this board leaving comments in my inbox telling me how mislead I am. But what amazes me not one of them yet will analyze the facts with me. A real discussion means nothing to them. They just get nasty with their comments and refuse to answer the facts. They think like this "The Society says it, I believe it, that settles it, don’t confuse me with the facts." I just laugh and feel really sad for them. Thank all of you who will discuss an issue I respect you for that then I can learn but so far I have not seen it from even one of the JW's on this board that have contacted me.
Mind Numbing stupidity are some current JW's that are on this board.
by skyman 46 Replies latest jw friends
Well, let's be honest. Real JWs shouldn't be on here anyway. Surely they didn't join without browsing first. Apparently, some feel that becoming a spiritual rambo will legitimize their membership here.
IT just gives me something to laugh about.
Strange, this is one of those things I've heard about but never experienced.
Wonder why they never try me....I feel so stumbled.
Well, let's be honest. Real JWs shouldn't be on here anyway
Why not ? we were all at the stage where we would defend the truth once, before we found out the real "truth" - alot of us with the help of lurking on various web sites.
Just because someone is an apologist does not make them a troll as some people like to label them in other topics. Everyone no matter what stage they are at is welcome here.
Ang:Ya beat me to it...
AK - Jeff
Why not ? we were all at the stage where we would defend the truth once, before we found out the real "truth"
Here, here! 18 months ago I would have died for the 'truth'. Time will tell, but many of these persons will leave in time.
Leaving is a process - not a moment.
I agree they are welcome here and I will gladly comment and I want their comments as well. But the one ones that contact me in my inbox are a lot of fun. Why because most of them have been mean spirited and nasty here is a quote I recieved last night from the poster DFED "You are being misled by Satan my brother, please donot reply to this it will be a waste of your time for i will not read it and this is the last time we talk because you have turned APOSTATE> You belong with this bunch."All I asked was for the poster to look up some information from an out side the Borg. But one can't do that now can he. LOL
Why not ?
Truly and surely, Dubs are told not to. So if they are a good dub, they aren't googling the witnesses and shopping around. That's why.
Good point Ang.
Before I was questioning I would of never have went and read anything on the web against the TROOF so it is hard to believe that the JW are here but I like them being here.