Try thinking about it this way - you have a delete button, use it. Other than that, why do you let it raise your blood pressure? Everyone's entitled, right? Just move on . . .
JoinedPosts by Nellie
Do you just tell them to STFU?
by lola28 inokay so this is my rant for the week, i have someone on myspace that sends bulletins everyday, and she always writes things like "jesus loves you" or "god cares about you" and i have to tell you, it annoys me a lot.
i don't know if there is a god but even if he is out there i want nothing to do with him, it pisses me off when ppl say things like "just trust in god he knows what he is doing" it never used to but now when i hear someone say that it makes me want to scream and pull my hair out both at the same time.
**sigh** i don't want to be rude to anyone but i also hate it when people feel the need to tell me to trust in something i don't believe in, maybe i should just get a shirt that says "there is no god" maybe then people would take a hint.. .
"Let the woman keep silent"
by belbab inlately on jwd there have been a number of posts regarding the state of woman in the jw organization.
one lady asks sisters for their thoughts and comments on male dominance over their lives.
i am not a sister but for quite a few years this subject has been on my mind, but i never spoke my thoughts, always waiting for someone else to come up with a clearer explanation of bible texts that seem to indicate that christian woman should keep their mouths shut.. where to start?
Back when this was written, didn't the men wear dresses??? Hmm . . .
Ohh yeah, Ms. Jones - can I have some? -
Elder's notes - Blood item this week
by dozy inif anybody is interested , i've posted the outline for this talk in the following post:.
That's what angers me when I think about this "new light." What about all those blind followers who died in the years before, months before, weeks and DAYS BEFORE the GB decided it was ok for them to have a choice!!!
It makes my blood boil !!!
Hell hath no fury....
by Elsewhere in
woman gets 11 years for cooking boyfriend and feeding him to guestscreated: 16.11.2006 13:29 msk (gmt +3), updated: 14:20 msk.
a court in the russian internal republic of bashkortostan has passed an 11-year sentence to a woman who killed her boyfriend with an axe and then cooked him in a variety of dishes which she fed to her guests at a new year party.. .
Be afraid, be very afraid . . .
Where to start?
by nonamegiven ini was df'd about 2 months ago and decided to take this time to explore the teachings i have spent my life spewing to others.
well, it took very little time to discover it was a bunch of crap.
i have learned about the lies and inconsistant teachings and what not.
I posted this same question months ago. . . I don't have a final answer for you.
Faders: Would you prefer attention from the elders or not?
by ringo5 inthis question may produce some flaming, but so be it.
i've noticed many are freaked out, annoyed, worried, or simply felt harrassed when faced with the prospect of a visit from the elders when trying to fade.
others, or at times the same ones, complain that they recieved no inquiry from them at all or very little.
Interesting question . . . actually very relevant right now. Hubby and I are planning an anniversary party (25 years) and we sat down to make the guest list. He suggested that we invite some of our "friends" from the congregation. Mind you, these are friends who haven't called or seen us in @ 2 years! While I still feel warmly towards those he mentioned, part of me is afraid that if we "remind them that we're here" suddenly they're want to "talk." We're not DAd or DFd and it could really be the beginning of the end . . . It's kinda nice being invisible
Racism in the Jehovah Witness Watchtower
by fokyc in
"watchtower society members claim to be different and better than the worldly people that they refer to as bird food.
society members refer to non-witnesses as bird food because they look forward to the time when the birds will feast on the flesh of dead non-witnesses after armageddon.
Blondie - A perfect example of why the society STOPS printing older literature and counsels us NOT to look at it. I would love to see this article discussed at a KH TODAY.
Talk about a mass exidos of all black members! Can you imagine Al Sharpton getting a hold of this! WOW. It's one thing to confront racial bias in today's congregations (and yes it's there) - this actually condones racial discrimination - for the greater good! Unfreakinbelievable!
fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome
by reneeisorym ini remember when i was in the dubs, there were tons of sisters all with the same set of mild depression and fibromyalgia/chronic fatigue syndrom symptoms.
i wonder if this was related to the hell jws put you through or if it was just something one woman had to have because the other did.
i haven't heard of hardly anyone having it outside of the dubs but in the congregation about 75% of the women had it!
I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in 1989 - before it became fashionable to have it.
In the beginning, the doctor's I saw had absolutely NO idea what was wrong with me and tried to pass it off as "emotional stress." Needless to say, the stress of being called "emotional" only added to the stress of being sick! It took a move to Florida and a visit to a new doctor to find out that what I was suffering from actually had a name! That alone was worth the move!
I am a strong woman and I put everyone else before myself - I also have a high tolerance for pain. I actually walked around hemorraghing internally for 2 weeks following a ectopic eruption because I didn't want to cause a fuss! I say this to say, that there are days when the thought of brushing my teeth is exhausting to me. There are days when I don't stop, but I don't accomplish a thing - life moves in slow motion until I just stop. Fortunately, these days are few and far between. Having fibromyalgia is like arthritis (some days it flares up and other days you just deal). You are never out of pain completely and yes, that can cause depression - especially when you add in the JW stresses.
It is called a syndrome because it manifests itself differently in everyone. Basically, it's chronic fatigue syndrome - plus PAIN. That's the difference between the two conditions. And like I said, there are good days, bad days and days from hell! I push myself to do all I can, whenever I can and when I can't, I don't.
My Story
by nonamegiven inwell, my story isnt as exciting or as tragic as many are, but its mine so ill tell it.
the early years:.
i was raised in the truth but we were inactive for many years.
Welcome and my condolences to you and your wife. I too have lost a child - in fact, I've lost four - my first pregnancy was ectopic, followed by a miscarriage (then the birth of my first son) and then two more miscarriages. And while I've been blessed with four children in total, the losses are still painful. My advice to you is simple, don't give up.
Interestingly though, once I felt secure that my second child was "safe" and started announcing it to the "friends", a CO's wife responded by saying, "Ohh, I'm sorry." I couldn't believe her! She was "sorry" I was pregnant. I still want to slap her to this day!
Are they idiots??
by nonamegiven inon my years as a jw i have always had doubts.
i have dismissed these as me being overly critical or some such nonsense.
now i'm on my way out the door, well i"m out the door i'm just working on shutting it right now.
Funny, I've often thought about this. There are many educated, well-spoken men in the congregation that I've looked up to and admired dearly. It was because of this admiration that I was able to squelch my doubts for many years. If THEY believed this was the truth, surely it must BE the truth. As I began to give myself permission to doubt, I often wondered why they didn't see what I saw. Some of them, I'm sure, do . . . but make the conscious decision NOT to act on it. What a shame.