Biscous - Maybe I need to clarify for you my stand. I don't endorse boxing matches with children - but I would not stand there and let anyone hit me - especially my child. The rules are simple:
- You cannot disrespect me - EVER. You will be called on this each and every time you do. Eventually, repeated breaking of this rule will affect our relationship - and you want me as a friend.
- You cannot hit me - EVER. If you hit me - I will beat you down! Plain and simple. This goes beyond disrepect - will never be tolerated and I will hurt you.
My 12 year old had developed the habit of saying "Oh my God" whenever he was told no about something. After months of correcting him on this and "reasoning" with him - he did it again - in front of my peers (and the straw broke the camel's back). I was sitting behind the wheel of my car - he got in the front seat and . . . WHACK! I backhanded him right in the kisser! One hit - one time - guess what - problem ended - he got the message - DISRESPECTING ME COMES WITH CONSEQUENCES!!! Now, when his little sister starts whining when I tell her something - he says to her "Don't do that. Go do what Mom said." The shame is he didn't heed his older brother's warnings!
It's been a month now and he's good. I'm fairly confident that it'll be a while before he'll need another reminder. By the way, I can't remember the last time I hit him (for anything). These lessons tend to last a while!