I'm really shocked at the cavalier attitude that many of you have expressed to this question. . . Witnesses didn't create the phrase "spiritual need" - God did. That much I know is true - otherwise, millions of people wouldn't be involved in all the many religions there are worldwide.
I was raised a Witness (actually I raised myself since no one else in my house was one - and I was 8 years old when I began studying) so their religion is the only one I know intimately. Having left, I'm gun-shy of jumping into another "religion" - but I do recognize a spiritual need within me. I've come to accept (as many of the posters agree) that I don't NEED a religion to be spiritual, but there are times when I would like to be among others who share the desire to talk about God. I don't know where I'll end up, but I imagine it will be some sort of non-denominational place. In the meantime, I still try to live a life I believe God and/or Jesus would be proud of. Which at the end of the day is what I believe being spiritual really means.