Here's the weird thing that I keep doing: I have married for the third time, thinking that finances will be better and I will have my sexual needs met on a regular basis.
What the hell was I thinking?
everyone has their own idiosyncrises, mine is- .
when i get a new book, i'll open it up to the middle of the book and stick my nose in the binding for about ten seconds, and smell how the glue, ink, and fresh paper smell.
ahhhh i love that smell.
Here's the weird thing that I keep doing: I have married for the third time, thinking that finances will be better and I will have my sexual needs met on a regular basis.
What the hell was I thinking?
last week's wt study was on selfishness.
ostensibly, on living as a christian and being self sacrificing.
we know that you're going to college and we don't want you to.
Jesus said to love others as we love ourselves. I'm making up for lost time cuz when I was a JW I didn't love myself.
i wasnt the most academic of children although i had some capability but i could read quite well by the time i was 4 years old at least for my age; i have always read as a child and still read now as an adult both professionally (research) and for pleasure.
i have always been able to write too...and pretty much advanced as well as my peers did in school...perhaps i am lucky, i certainly feel like i am when illiteracy amongst adults and children is rife at present...however.. i remember when i was 16 the wts in the uk were pushing through a scheme teaching those who were not as able to read and write...and an elder in the hall made a point of coming to me and suggesting that i should actually attend the training!!
!....i explained that i could read and write well enough and didnt need to be taught basic literacy... he said that i might learn something new and should respect jehovahs order of things and show appreciation...i did decline his kind offer rather abruptly....but wtf??
Icansaylucky---your story breaks my heart! Sometimes I feel so f***ing p**ssed off at the WTS. Honestly I didn't know all the crap that was going on in the so called 'truth' until the past couple months when I started reading this website regularly.
I think I will go puke now. I cannot believe the heartless BS they are feeding people!
Every day I want to jump for joy that I left that horrible cult!
oh my god...i am so f****** pumped.
excuse my language.
the two witnesses who came to my door a while ago to tell me how scientific the bible is came back.
Ok Jeff I hadn't thought of that. How about if I just walk up to them and tell them I'm Apostate? I think I'm insanely curious to see some kind of a reaction. I have been out for years, but only recently realized that they would consider me 'Apostate'.
for a group that constantly bitches about people needing to accomadate it's beliefs and practices, jw's sure are inflexible and intolerant.
i realize that we all already know that, but is of special irritation to me right now.
my oldest sister, who is faded and now regularly attends a worldly church, is getting married.
That's too bad, especially since your mother is inactive. Wonder why she cares so much.
let's hear the weirdest comment or suppossed logical thought you've ever heard a witness say.. i'll start: out in service once a sis and her son were in the same car group as i was.
he was having a nose bleed and told his mom that the blood was running down the back of his throat.
his mother said " well don't swallow it yo uknow how jehovah feels about blood don't you!".
I know I've post this before, but I still really crack up over this.
Does any older ones remember when ET came out? The Watchtower had a mini article on the back page about ET's finger being a phallic symbol and that he was likened to Jesus in the movie as a healer and being raised up from the dead.
I find that utterly hysterical. I thought it was a cute, entertaining movie myself.
what do you hear or encounter from time to time that urges you to say to yourself:.
that's full of crap!
When my 15 year old step-son sees me walk into the room, then doubles over with his hand over his stomach and a pained expression on his face. This is always in the morning when he is supposed to get ready for school. Sometimes I really have to keep from laughing. I don't laugh though, because the poor kid really has some abandonment and other issues.
oh my god...i am so f****** pumped.
excuse my language.
the two witnesses who came to my door a while ago to tell me how scientific the bible is came back.
Applause Please!! Love your story! I don't think I have the balls to get into a debate, oh yeah I don't have those anyway :-)
I do sometimes see Witnesses standing by the Lightrail Station in the mornings--I was thinking of marching by holding up my copy of "Crisis of Conscience" and telling them how much I enjoy reading it. I know they will get those stupid scared expressions on their faces knowing I'm of the 'Apostate' class.
well i can't recall now which public talks it was - one of my first - and it dealt with field service / preaching.
so i thought i would interview several people in the congregation about service and their thoughts and feelings on the subject, expecting something very different than what i got.
to my shock (i was an over zealous young buck who thought the sun rose and set on the wt) three sisters burst into tears as they told about their feelings of inadequacy and guilt over field service.
I dreaded Field Service and felt like it was a waste of time. I was extremely introverted and shy, so giving talks and all the other 'requirements' really stressed me out. I started having panic attacks giving talks and out in field service where I would actually hyperventilate and my eyes blacked out for a minute and I would shake. That just contributed even more to my then low self-esteem.
Do any of you, especially women, now think about how dangerous knocking on strangers' doors are these days? I wouldn't dream of doing it now for anything, or have my female daughters doing something like that.
things that make you go "hmmmmm": just learned that an elder i know living near waco, texas is hosting a graduation party for his son.
don't remember ever reading of any faithful christian in the bible ever having such a party.
and to think, all that honor and attention will be focused on a mere human being instead of yhwh.....
I remember my JW sister graduated in 1976--Bicentennial year. Her tassle was red, white and blue--so she took one of the colors out so it wouldn't look so patriotic. How dumb!