JoinedTopics Started by econaut
family alienation PE book
by econaut incan someone help out.
i'm doing a speech on cult recruitment and wanted to illustrate the wts's effort to separate new recruits from family by quoting the opening of the pe book that "warns" the reader that his family will be used by satan to discourage them.
could anyone post the paragraph, by quoting or scanning?
120 years
by econaut inpeacefulpete maxed out his number of threads so he askd me to post this for him.. another interesting thing from the epistula apostolorum is the wts-like prediction of the end arriving by or at a date.
a number of posters here have understood the wts to be yet again giving into temptation to set a date, this time suggesting some prophetic parallel to the 120 years of the noah story.
below is the passage in the coptic (translation of a greek) version then notice the ethiopic versions modest revision.. coptic17 we said unto him: lord, after how many years shall this come to pass ?
How many members of the Bush admn does it take to change a lightbulb?
by BrendaCloutier inhow many members of the bush administration does it take to change a. light bulb?.
1. one to deny that a light bulb needs to be changed;.
2. one to attack the patriotism of anyone who says the light bulb needs.
long years of brainwashing finally come to an end.....
by girl_interrupted inhi everyone, i'm new here......basically, i found this website a couple of weeks ago when i was in dire need of some like-minded souls who had felt screwed up about the jw's.
from about the age of four/five, my parents and i were involved in the organisation, and all three of us are stil messed up because of it.....we are no longer involved in it, but it took quite a few years before my parents found the strength to leave.
to begin with, i was quite a zealous jw, was baptised at twelve and disfellowshipped at fourteen, because as i got older i began to grow ''weak in the truth'' as people so kindly described me!
Am I am Apostate??
by Sushi Crow ini know what "apostate" means to most of the world.
i am interested in the jw perspective.
i grew up a jw, but was never baptised.
Steve Hassan
by TheListener inif you were to buy only one steve hassan book which would it be:.
combatting cult mind control.
releasing the bonds.
Why are honest questions considered apostasy?
by Rayvin inthis is why as i was growing up (raised in "the truth") i never asked questions.
i never understood the birthday issue among other holidays.
i never asked because i was scared i would be looked at as an apostate or as someone being worn down by the wicked association.
Guns, Germs, & Steel
by Valis inanyone else watching this?
i like the historical and archeological conversations that are developing, and also the chance to take it all in over several episodes.
for me it makes it easier to consider diamond's ideas and decide for myself.
The Atheist's Book of Bible Stories - Ch. 12 - The Flood
by RunningMan inwell, i've been waiting for a long time to post this one.
it's my personal favorite.
some angels became inflamed with lust for human women and took on human form.