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JoinedPosts by econaut
family alienation PE book
by econaut incan someone help out.
i'm doing a speech on cult recruitment and wanted to illustrate the wts's effort to separate new recruits from family by quoting the opening of the pe book that "warns" the reader that his family will be used by satan to discourage them.
could anyone post the paragraph, by quoting or scanning?
family alienation PE book
by econaut incan someone help out.
i'm doing a speech on cult recruitment and wanted to illustrate the wts's effort to separate new recruits from family by quoting the opening of the pe book that "warns" the reader that his family will be used by satan to discourage them.
could anyone post the paragraph, by quoting or scanning?
I apppreciate that quote. The PE book was however the primary study book for new recruits for 15 years just before the Knowledge book. I'm sure someone here has it and I'm sure its on the WTCD.
If anyone has a similar sentiment in the newest materials used for conditioning new recruits I'd appreciate that as well.
family alienation PE book
by econaut incan someone help out.
i'm doing a speech on cult recruitment and wanted to illustrate the wts's effort to separate new recruits from family by quoting the opening of the pe book that "warns" the reader that his family will be used by satan to discourage them.
could anyone post the paragraph, by quoting or scanning?
It's the You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth book.
family alienation PE book
by econaut incan someone help out.
i'm doing a speech on cult recruitment and wanted to illustrate the wts's effort to separate new recruits from family by quoting the opening of the pe book that "warns" the reader that his family will be used by satan to discourage them.
could anyone post the paragraph, by quoting or scanning?
Can someone help out. I'm doing a speech on cult recruitment and wanted to illustrate the WTS's effort to separate new recruits from family by quoting the opening of the PE book that "warns" the reader that his family will be used by satan to discourage them. Could anyone post the paragraph, by quoting or scanning? Please?
120 years
by econaut inpeacefulpete maxed out his number of threads so he askd me to post this for him.. another interesting thing from the epistula apostolorum is the wts-like prediction of the end arriving by or at a date.
a number of posters here have understood the wts to be yet again giving into temptation to set a date, this time suggesting some prophetic parallel to the 120 years of the noah story.
below is the passage in the coptic (translation of a greek) version then notice the ethiopic versions modest revision.. coptic17 we said unto him: lord, after how many years shall this come to pass ?
Peacefulpete maxed out his number of threads so he askd me to post this for him.
Another interesting thing from the Epistula Apostolorum is the WTS-like prediction of the end arriving by or at a date. A number of posters here have understood the WTS to be yet again giving into temptation to set a date, this time suggesting some prophetic parallel to the 120 years of the Noah story. Below is the passage in the Coptic (translation of a Greek) version then notice the Ethiopic versions modest revision.
17 We said unto him: Lord, after how many years shall this come to pass ? He said unto us: When the hundredth part and the twentieth part is fulfilled, between the Pentecost and the feast of unleavened bread, then shall the coming of my Father be.
When an hundred and fifty years are past, in the days of the feast of Passover and Pentecost
Its generally accepted that when the 120 years came and went an addtional 30 years was added on to the prediction. Sound familiar?
How many members of the Bush admn does it take to change a lightbulb?
by BrendaCloutier inhow many members of the bush administration does it take to change a. light bulb?.
1. one to deny that a light bulb needs to be changed;.
2. one to attack the patriotism of anyone who says the light bulb needs.
Gave me a good laugh, Brenda & true!
long years of brainwashing finally come to an end.....
by girl_interrupted inhi everyone, i'm new here......basically, i found this website a couple of weeks ago when i was in dire need of some like-minded souls who had felt screwed up about the jw's.
from about the age of four/five, my parents and i were involved in the organisation, and all three of us are stil messed up because of it.....we are no longer involved in it, but it took quite a few years before my parents found the strength to leave.
to begin with, i was quite a zealous jw, was baptised at twelve and disfellowshipped at fourteen, because as i got older i began to grow ''weak in the truth'' as people so kindly described me!
The world has some great people and great experiences, but I can't live my life without purpose.
This is the scare that the JWs put in their members. It is erroneous on the part of the JWs to assert that people who do not conform to their goal in life (saving their butt from destruction) don't have a "purpose". "Purpose in life" is what you determine it is for you, what is going to make you happy and feel fulfilled. For some that is just having a family and being the best parent/grandparent they can, for others it means they have to help animals, the environment or strangers. Your "purpose" is what you make it to be.
Welcome to the board! I too had many questions around the age when you did. I dealt with (buried) them for 15 years before finally leaving. Hooray for you to be free so much sooner in life!!
Cheers to you and your new found friends,
Am I am Apostate??
by Sushi Crow ini know what "apostate" means to most of the world.
i am interested in the jw perspective.
i grew up a jw, but was never baptised.
Sushi Crow,
They would just say that you have "apostate" thinking and if you were and unbaptized publisher they would take that "privilege" away from you. In the congregation they would shun you as an apostate just the same because the info would fly around the cong that that is in essence what you are.
Steve Hassan
by TheListener inif you were to buy only one steve hassan book which would it be:.
combatting cult mind control.
releasing the bonds.
I guess I feel differently than ezekiel3 and M.J. I would get Releasing the Bonds. I got both books when I first left the JWs three years ago and found that Releasing the Bonds was exceptional in outlining the methods used in all high control groups. It helped me to better see what the methods were that were used to control my thoughts all those years I belonged to the church. It also outlines an approach to take if you are in a position where some of your family is still in the church. The book is really easy to read. I know that my 19 year old sister really enjoyed the book as well and was sharing parts of it with a co-worker to help her to understand my sister's situation.
just my two cents,