Democracy doesn't take time! It's instantaneous! Just like the happy ending in "Return of the Jedi:Special Edition" ! Everyone's attitudes change overnight, and all become united! I mean, just take a look at the U.S.! First, their was some sort of shoot out at a bridge, then the next day, The Declaration of Independence was signed. Then, minutes later, a fully realized, completed Constitution was written, and was so perfect it never needed changing, ever. Then, George Washington's son, Abe Lincoln, split some logs and freed the slaves, who were immediately welcome with open arms into the community at large by their former owners, and peace and racial harmony was the order of the day forever. Oh, and women got the vote too (after a short period of time...) And now, in the 21rst century, we have a problem free, civil, well-informed electorate that discusses the issues with knowledge and insight, and conducts its elections with dignity and fairness to all! The End! (Homer Simpson:"In case you didn't figure it out, I was being Sarcastic!" Marge Simpson:"Well, Duh!")