What angharad said.
i'm not, even a little bit and i don't understand what the outrage is all about..
What angharad said.
chris lane was murdered.
he was shot from behind.
he had no skittles in his pocket.
to those who don't believe in this shyt:you'd better not post here .
ok...so you ever used it?what experiences do you have?were you able to summon a demon?what did he tell you?what did you see?i'm really curious and i wanna try it!.
I got this one for $10 on ebay. Haven't played with it but had one years ago my sister and I and friends played with. It would only work mostly at night. Never could get it to work much during the day.
once when i was profoundly sad for too many days, my brother in law sent us a mix tape.
he named each song after a person in our family.
this is the one he named heather.
this may have been talked about already, but i didn't see anything.
i was doing some research and keep seeing ole charley's name on this list.
it does make sense though, the more i think about it......
You think only Americans believe David Icke's work? He has fans all over the globe and not just America. I don't buy into a lot of things he says. I don't necessarily believe in shapeshifters and reptilian beings but that doesn't mean everything he says is completely wrong. You got to do your own research and separate facts from bullshit.
i don't get it.
(and i don't care about america's "royalty" either)..
Not guilty of murder for which he was charged with.
now gays can have the joy of divorce, alimony and child support in all the states that allow such joy!!!
enjoy, you deserve the right to these things and selfish straight people have been holding on to such wonderful rights for far too long.
now get those lawyers ready, let the real battles rage and see what comes from all those marriages you fought to hard and strong for.
I'm sure Edith Windsor was very careful in what she wished for, the $363,053.00 that she got to keep that she inherited from her lifelong partner that most straight people thought she should not have since she was not in a "traditional marriage".
now gays can have the joy of divorce, alimony and child support in all the states that allow such joy!!!
enjoy, you deserve the right to these things and selfish straight people have been holding on to such wonderful rights for far too long.
now get those lawyers ready, let the real battles rage and see what comes from all those marriages you fought to hard and strong for.
That happened to blacks in America before the Civil War and there was segregation back in the 60s; however today blacks are a protected class as far as employment goes. The same does not always hold true even today with gays. Today you can still be fired for being gay. Gays were exterminated in Nazi Germany and in Africa today blacks are killing gays. I dont believe the black civil rights movement really paved much for gay rights since the black community is just as judgemental toward gays as the rest of society is. I also don't see very many blacks throwing their young black kids out on the street for being born they way they are like gays experience either.
now gays can have the joy of divorce, alimony and child support in all the states that allow such joy!!!
enjoy, you deserve the right to these things and selfish straight people have been holding on to such wonderful rights for far too long.
now get those lawyers ready, let the real battles rage and see what comes from all those marriages you fought to hard and strong for.
Bullshit!! Explain to me how women, immigrants and blacks have had it worse than gays?