Mine says that I adore my rat Drucilla... I always post pet pics in place of a pic of myself... My yahoo avitar is one of my cats, my Xanga profile is my moms dog, this is one of my rats
JoinedPosts by MrsElmo253
What does your Avatar say about you?
by jt stumbler inthis question has most likely been asked before but i must've missed it.
any hoo, just wondering.
as for mine, it shows that i am a good for nothing smurf who loves boobies i guess...
What's currently on your DVD / Video shelf?
by Preston in.
here's a few of mine:.
donnie darko, madonna's drowned world tour, o, lucky man!, mulholland drive, hedwig and the angry inch, andrei rublev, blue velvet, once upon a time in the west, the brak show!, the ali g how, the godfather, nostalghia, flowers of shanghai, kwaidan.... what's on yours.... - preston
Ray Stevens Music Videos, the Matrix set, Blazing Saddles, Monty Python's The Life of Brian, Chappelle's Show Season 1, some XBox games, The Labyrinth, Milo and Otis, The Lion King, Ice Age, Bruce Almighty.. and a number of others that I can't think of right now...
IMHO.. I gotta go with whoever it was that said "Love is like a muscle.. the more you exercize it, the greater it gets." I think one can love as many people as one has the capacity to love. For some, they loved 20+ people. For others... it was only one.
I have had thus far, only two great loves in my life. I define these loves from the other loves in my life because these two were the two I loved completely unselfishly. I heard some movie once say that a "Great love is the love that changes you forever." I believe this. Thankfully, I married the second such man to come along in my life. The minute his gentle soul touched my life, I knew I would never be the same, and you know what.. if he ever left, I would be forever changed because of him.
I heard a great quote once..
"A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and appreciates you today just for being who you are."
I have several very close friends.. numerous "aquaintences" (People I am friendly with but wouldnt trust with sensitive or highly personal information) Many may disagree with my ability to juggle so many close friends, but I rather like having three best friends.
In need of any information on White Witches
by kls in.
what they do , what they believe and if they have physic powers.
To answer this question..
You have to look at spells like prayer. Its a much more ceremonial prayer but - for the most part - it is still similar to a prayer. We dont actually levitate things (Though I have seen it done) and we dont shoot balls of flames at people. Charmed is completely wrong. Harry Potter is closer to right, but still off in left field. Even worse are the bad witches like on The Wizard of Oz - the ones who eat children.
As for being a "good" versus a "bad" witch, it depends on your own personal perception. There are those who go out casting nothing but the negative stuff, but they tend to do it for personal gain so they believe it is good yet the rest of the world would see it as bad. Do they exist? Well yes they do. But they're hard to miss because they're normally very egotistical, appear to have a few screws loose, and almost sociopathic. To be a witch like that, you kind of have to be.
Telepathy.. no. We can't Literally read your mind. Not in the way YOU are thinking, anyway. The thought is a very private thing and God likes to keep it that way. Reading auras, energy.. thats a whole different story. Have you ever known someone so deeply that you can tell what mood they are in just by which eyebrow is higher? That's the telepathic powers in a very infantile form. The psychic powers are powers everyone is ABLE to have (but most have been raised to surpress their individual gift normally via a parent who says "Oh stop it. Youre making it all up.") but if a person broadcasts their certain gift and uses it for monetary gain, they are almost certain of losing this gift. I've seen it happen time and time again.
Like I said, You can email me anytime about any questions you may have. I enjoy answering questions.
In need of any information on White Witches
by kls in.
what they do , what they believe and if they have physic powers.
Bless everyone on this board for trying as best as they can to describe this. I try not to openly broadcast it, but I am a 4th generation Astrau Pagan who learned everything from my mom, who learned from her mom.. etc. (The reason I'm here is my dad is a JW and he was trying to induct me. Plus Lilbit said it was a good idea to join. Lilbit even asked me to throw in my two cents on this post.)
Anyhow, the "White Witch" is completely "touched". As a practicioner myself, I would never have contact with a person who automatically labled themselves "white" because magic is both light and dark and it is impossible to practice magic and be 100% "white". This is the first sign that the "witch" you are dealing with only has half of the facts. You can't follow the "An if it harm none" rule to a tee and still cast a spell. If you cast a prosperity spell, that money comes from somewhere so youre technically taking it from one person to give to another. If you do healing, you are asking to kill the infliction, which, if its a virus, bacteria or other single celled living organism, is technically praying for the demise of the virus or bacteria. But most witches are not out to purposely hurt you. We're normal people who just have a different belief system than mainstream society.
Think of it this way. Those witches you see wandering around with their magical crystals in hand, laying them out tenderly in a certain way when playing Bingo.. the ones sitting at the mall shuffling a deck of tarot cards while wearing a veil.. The one in all black with big huge pentacles covering their arms and fingers... these are all versions of the same fluff bunny "witch" who TENDS to call him/herself a "white witch". You can email me for more info, but your best advice is to shrug her off as the town nut job.
How many of you are still in?
by IP_SEC in.
i just thought i'td be neet to get a poll of how many people on this board are still meeting attending, time reporting publishers, who believe the wts is all crap?.
Dad and other mom are active Dubs..
Joined this group because they were starting to try recruiting me
No Memorials. No Services.. One bible study ever - about 3 weeks ago
Attention all you wacky evolutionists!
by AlmostAtheist inevolution versus creation has been beat to death lately, this isn't another debate thread.
i wanted to showcase a hugely funny site i found when researching creationists' views.
note that i don't believe this site in any way depicts the beliefs of most creationists.
Omg. This site is just irking me to NO end. As a present day anthropologist, reading some of their "Evolution debunked" articles just made me MAD. Thanks for the link.. and the eye thing was funny as further proof of JW circular reasoning.. even so.. this one BUGS me.
Homo Florensis being PROVEN to be a pigmy homo sapian.. omg! We just found the darn skeleton! Nothing is proven YET.
I'm SO done with this site.. but thanks for posting it!!
Katlin -
Where is it??
by MrsElmo253 inuugh!!!
i am sooo lost.
not more than a couple of days ago, i ran into a great post about how the figures from the bible were.. erm.. less than "christian".. (one reference was made to jacob being in love with another guy).. now, i can't find the article!!
I am SOOO lost. Not more than a couple of days ago, I ran into a great post about how the figures from the Bible were.. erm.. less than "Christian".. (One reference was made to Jacob being in love with another guy).. Now, I can't find the article!! Little help please!!
Katlin -
by badboy in.
it has been suggested by someone that genesis says that a&e were neolithic farmers.. they were humans before a&e,but a&e were first to have a soul.. interesting take on theory of evolution..
Neolithic LITERALLY means "New Stone Age". You're looking at the end of the pleistocene.. archaic homo sapian.. something like 100,000 years ago. I'll bust out the anthropology books for a more detailed explanation, if you want... Im an anthropology major in college, though I specialized in Applied Cultural Anthro, we all had to learn physical anthro and archaeology.. It's ironic that this got brought up.. In archaeology we learned of the "Eve" hypothesis that these two australiopithicenes, thus far known to be the earliest bi-peds, could be Adam and Eve, since all we have are the footprints of a male and a female walking side-by-side and a bunch of happy furry animals running under foot before everything was covered by volcanic eruption.. but Mary Leeky isn't exactly known for NOT being a few fruit loops short... Katlin