Topics Started by Shawn
Anyone familiar with this site?
by Shawn in .
i am back.
i have been away for a couple of months or so now.
Comfort for XJWs
by Shawn ini asked god for an answer to a problem before opening my bible right now and i came upon psalm 129. i feel compelled to share this with anyone who has not stumbled upon it recently.
they have greatly oppressed me from my youth- .
let israel say- .
by Shawn inthis is from the wts website.
armeggedon is around the corner and they devote space to korean pottery.
it struck me as funny, sorry.
World Almanac
by Shawn inhas anyone ever noticed that jws are considered a christian sect in nearly every mainstream publication and it appears they do nothing to dispell it.
by they i mean the wts.
you would think they would try to be there own thing and not associated with "apostate" religions.
Do JWs believe in "signs"
by Shawn indo jws believe that god can use mundane everyday things to show his will?
my friend says she doesn't believe in signs, i am wondering if this is a jw mindset or her personal one.
it is something i have asked her and she said it was her beliefe but i wonder how much the wts had to do with it.
Update to Shawn's Story
by Shawn init has been a while since i last updated everyone.
i am doing so now because i think people going through what i am need to know that there is hope and although sometimes it may seem impossible, it isn't.
i am going to assume that anyone reading this post is familiar with my story.
What does a PO do?
by Shawn inwhat exactly does a po do?
what is he resonsible for?
does he have any part in dfing?
Is anyone here good a graphic design?
by Shawn ini wish i was so i could do this myself but i am not.
i had an idea come to me earlier today of a jw holding their hour record to their chest as they stand before god and god saying to the jw that he has been keeping track of their belief in him and he has found them lacking.
can someone do a mockup of that?
Has Anyone Heard of the Amazing Facts
by Shawn ini had a woman come to my door today that i thought was a jw.
it was wierd she was by herself but i didn't think twice.
she started asking me questions about faith and i asked her if she was affiliated with the jws.