Should a woman have the right to abort her baby?
NO, I strongly disagree with abortion. The only time I would consider it as an option would be if rape had occured. In that case the woman did NOT choose to have sex it was forced upon her and she should not be forced to keep the baby.
But aborting a baby because you made a mistake is irresponsible. I would NEVER do it. (I have been there, I have faced that decision...)
I'm rather tired of being told men are scum
I don't think ALL men are scum, Some of them are, but then again there are some pretty scummy women too.
Women have to pay the 'consequences'
Something that hasn't been mentioned yet is that fact that once a woman is preg, there are SERIOUS consequences even if she chooses not to keep it. An abortion for most people is an emotinally scarring experience, many women go into deep depression over it and NEVER heal from that hurt.
I think both men AND women should start owning up to their mistakes and taking care of their responsibilities instead of pointing fingers and struggling for power to choose "what to do now"!