JoinedTopics Started by Krystal
How did you spend the memorial?
by sinis inpersonally, i stayed at home (my wife went), made steaks, drank beer, and watched several vulgar/demonic movies in the world of the jw's (halloween, the eye, hitman, no country for old men, saw iv).
i later went over to my mother in laws house to meet up with some other in laws - who i saved from the jw's - and talked about how the memorial was a waste of f@cking time... then drank more beer waiting for my wife to come back...
What do you think about girls having boyfriends and vice versa?
by Open mind ini'm talking about kids from 12 on up.
what are your thoughts on them "going steady"?.
this can either be without any jw influence in the situation or with.. all thoughts appreciated.. om.
What to do with believing granparents?
by Krystal inhey everyone, this is a shout-out for advice!!
i have been df'ed for 7 years... since then i have married and i now i have newborn daughter.. my parents and sibblings are all still in "the truth"... what should i do about letting them have a relationship with her?
they came by to visit her at my home, it was more than a little akward... anyone in this position that can offer some suggestions?
...and I thought this year would be different
by Nosferatu inme and my mother aren't on very good terms right now.
since she's the one who invited me to the memorial most years, i thought that i wouldn't get an invite.
on saturday afternoon while i was getting ready to go out, there was a knock at my back door.
I'm a dad again!! How do you ladies do it...
by Qcmbr injust had my third child - still in the dazed, lack of proper sleep and food phase.
i have to say - credit to my wife and all you mothers out there, how the hell do you go through it!?
i had that numb, helpless, car crash look as she went through the wringer and all i could do was pass the gas and air and mumble - 'you're doing really good.
what did you get dissfellowshipped for and were you once "strong"
by looloo inin the truth (as they say) were people really shocked at you leaving or thought of it as only a matter of time !
HELP! Can you help me?
by Krystal init has been a long time since i posted here... hope everyone is well.. quick favor... can anyone post or email me the sheet music for song #15?.
and, if anyone has a large copy song book they wouldn't mind giving up it would be most appreciated.
i could arrange shipping... just drop me a pm.. *hugs*.
Wussie Henpecked Men will not Inherit the Kingdom
by gumby inhere's an oldie but goodie i thought you guys would get a kick out i felt like gettin all the ladies all riled up.
vindication i (book, 1931) pp.156-157 .
the women make monkeys or dupes of men.
Is your avatar you?
by Swamboozled ini always assume that people with real pics for their avatars are pics of that poster.
obviously that's not always the case.
i'm curious about whose pic is really them.