JoinedTopics Started by Krystal
What to do with believing granparents?
by Krystal inhey everyone, this is a shout-out for advice!!
i have been df'ed for 7 years... since then i have married and i now i have newborn daughter.. my parents and sibblings are all still in "the truth"... what should i do about letting them have a relationship with her?
they came by to visit her at my home, it was more than a little akward... anyone in this position that can offer some suggestions?
HELP! Can you help me?
by Krystal init has been a long time since i posted here... hope everyone is well.. quick favor... can anyone post or email me the sheet music for song #15?.
and, if anyone has a large copy song book they wouldn't mind giving up it would be most appreciated.
i could arrange shipping... just drop me a pm.. *hugs*.
What IS Apostasy
by Krystal inwe tend to throw around the term apostasy quite loosely here... i was thinking the other day, what exactly (according to the wtbs) constitutes "apostasy" .
"definition: apostasy is abandoning or deserting the worship and service of god, actually a rebellion against jehovah god.
some apostates profess to know and serve god but reject teachings or requirements set out in his word.
Baptisim/Disfellowshipping & Age
by Krystal ini apologize if i am re-posting a topic that was already discussed, but i have a question:.
i was baptised when i was 14 and disfellowshipped at 17... major life changing decisions all made before i was 18. .
has anyone ever tried to have their baptisim/disfellowshipping annulled based on the fact that they were too young to enter into such a contract?
The Wedding Saga...Episode 2
by Krystal inhow cruel can these people be??.
1) my dad informs me this spring that my sister is getting married.. 2) i am of course not informed of the actual date incase i decide to show up.
3) i am sent a wedding invitation after the wedding has taken place along with a little letter from mom and dad.. 4) i get an e-mail from my mom with the link to the website of wedding photos and gushing dub comments.... "what a lovely family" blah blah blah.
Got a letter from my parents...
by Krystal inwell, yesterday evening was a little too emotional for my liking... .
i got home to find an envelope in my mailbox from my mom and dad... (i was df'ed 4 years ago and haven't spoken to them since) .
my sister's wedding announcement...she got married earlier this month.
JW Light just went crazy...Interfaith and the Catholic Church
by Krystal inbeen doing alot of reading on this new pope and i read something that made my little jw alarm bells go off:.
" pope benedict xvi outlined goals for his papacy today, including the unification of all christians and reaching out to people of other faiths.".
Thought it was about time I spill my guts...
by Krystal ini have already posted bits and bobs about my "story"... i like the companionship i have found here and i feel it about time i get this off my chest, so here it goes.
i am a 20 year old montrealer (it is me above!
) who was brought up a witness from the day i was born.
by Krystal ini am 20 years old and i left the organization when i was 17. there are of course many gorey details which i will not get into right now... but i just wanted to say how happy i am to have found this fourm.
as many of you remember, we were always instructed not to read anything about jehovah's witnesses that wasn't written by the organization.
well, that instruction stuck, and this is the first time i three years that i have dared to even look.. needless to say, i found some very disturbing information.