If both the man and the woman consented and agreed to the act of sex, shouldn't they both consent and agree if an unplanned pregnancy occurs? Is it fair to say both the man and the woman are responsible for birth control?
No. When a man and a woman have sex, they know what the outcome could be. No matter what precautions you take there is always a remote chance a pregnancy could occur. If you are not prepared for that possibility, then don't have sex.
It is fair to say that each individual who is having sex is responsible for birth control.
If an unplanned pregnancy occurs, the woman has no choice but to decide what to do next. She can't just say, well this was unplanned and it is going to wreck my life so I don't want to be part of this. Even if she decides not to keep the baby... there are still huge ramifications with that kind of decision.
If she decides to give it up, I don't believe it is fair to the woman to give the man the right to make her keep it. It is her body and unless there was a way to extract the embryo and incubate it for the man to keep/raise then that is the womans decision.
If she decides to keep it, the man cannot make her abort it. (nor should men be granted this "right")
Ultimetly, no matter what happens, the man has a responsiblity to his unborn child. I mean really, men want to be able to say, "well, your mom wouldn't kill but I don't want you so I am not paying for a thing"
And we think this is a good idea?
The idea of granting people rights and freedoms is to protect the innocent and make people responsible for their actions. I don't want to see the law being used to allow people to opt out of their responsibilities!