Luna, you made my day! that was great!
JoinedPosts by Krystal
by BlessedStar init seems as though many people come to this board and leave in a short space of time.. it's a pity.. there are people on this board who are very nice and polite even when discussing various views.
this leads to understanding and concern.
i would like to meet you people.. please post in here.. i term nice as being kind, not cursing, love for god almighty, thrives on the right things in life, not hurting other's feelings, etc.. blessed star
Any gamers out there?
by dinah inhey peeps!
any of you into video games?
seems there would be a few who are because they are some cool people here.
WoW is great, but I can't play any game for much more than an 1-2 at a time.
by BlessedStar init seems as though many people come to this board and leave in a short space of time.. it's a pity.. there are people on this board who are very nice and polite even when discussing various views.
this leads to understanding and concern.
i would like to meet you people.. please post in here.. i term nice as being kind, not cursing, love for god almighty, thrives on the right things in life, not hurting other's feelings, etc.. blessed star
Just to clarify... Fate is my bf/husband!
We live and work together.
He is a cutie!
Any gamers out there?
by dinah inhey peeps!
any of you into video games?
seems there would be a few who are because they are some cool people here.
Morrowind and Balders Gate lovers try World of Warcraft!!
I am so addicted it isn't even funny! lol
Online RPG or PVP... awesome stuff.
Because the game is online you do have to pay to play every month BUT the game is constantly improving/changing... they put up xmas decorations and valentine's day special quests... totally awesome game!
by BlessedStar init seems as though many people come to this board and leave in a short space of time.. it's a pity.. there are people on this board who are very nice and polite even when discussing various views.
this leads to understanding and concern.
i would like to meet you people.. please post in here.. i term nice as being kind, not cursing, love for god almighty, thrives on the right things in life, not hurting other's feelings, etc.. blessed star
Did you take this into consderation when you said if you were as close minded as me you would consider yourself a failure as a mother?
Do you know me and what I have been through as a mother?
Chimene, did you take the time to read my post in response to you on that thread?
I am sorry you felt I was attacking anyone, it was not my intention. I did not call you a failure... I said if my children grew up to be close minded I would consider myself a failure. Again, as you pointed out, an opinion.
Congrats to your 16 year old and to yourself. Raising a child on your own must not have been easy.
Did you "cry" when the JW's elders Disfellowshipped or Disassociated you?
by booker-t inmy niece who is 19 and involved with a "married" man had to meet with her jw's elders last week.
she was terrified because the elders have told her time and time again to get rid of her "married" boyfriend but she refused.
she is head over heels in love with the guy.
I cried. Long and hard. But not because I was being kicked out of some sick mind controlling cult.
I cried because I was 17 years old and had just lost my mom and dad.
The only thing that upset me about being disfellowshipped was not being able to speak to my mom, dad, sisters or granny again.
I am 21 now and thinking about my mom and dad still makes me cry, I don't think I will ever get over it.
by BlessedStar init seems as though many people come to this board and leave in a short space of time.. it's a pity.. there are people on this board who are very nice and polite even when discussing various views.
this leads to understanding and concern.
i would like to meet you people.. please post in here.. i term nice as being kind, not cursing, love for god almighty, thrives on the right things in life, not hurting other's feelings, etc.. blessed star
BS this is by far the the most full of "BS" thread I have ever seen!
Not only have you redefined the word "Nice" to insult people on this board, but you who claims to follow so closely in Jesus' footsteps are blatently exculding the people you are supposed to be reaching out to!
Who did Jesus Christ spend time with? Who did he talk to? What was his main concern?
Tax collectors, Sinners, prostitues! These were the people he care about. Did he once insult them? Demean them? Exculde them? The people he "knew" to be tresspassing against god on a DAILY basis were the ones he was the kindest too!
I term NICE as being kind, not cursing, love for God Almighty, thrives on the right things in life, not hurting other's feelings, etc.
Does that sound like something Jesus would say? Read it again.
Do you remember what he said to the self righteous religous leaders of the time who had no time or caring for the "common people", "sinners", or for the sake of this argument "not nice" people?
He condemned them to ghenna.
Consider this:
Matthew 7:1-5
1 “Stop judging that YOU may not be judged; 2 for with what judgment YOU are judging, YOU will be judged; and with the measure that YOU are measuring out, they will measure out to YOU . 3 Why, then, do you look at the straw in your brother’s eye, but do not consider the rafter in your own eye? 4 Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Allow me to extract the straw from your eye’; when, look! a rafter is in your own eye? 5 Hypocrite! First extract the rafter from your own eye, and then you will see clearly how to extract the straw from your brother’s eye.
TV series&movies-CURSING!!!
by BlessedStar inhow do you feel about tv shows & movies at present?.
do you think it is appropriate for children to be viewing comedies with cursing and sexual encounters?.
don't you think movies have more cursing even though they are rated "g"?.
Exactly, it's just an opinion, attacking me or Bstar is not necessary, call me a failure, my 16 year old was just inducted into the national honor role society, and recieved a letter to be given up to $100,000 in scholarships for college, and everyone loves the laid back kid with a big heart, did I fail somewhere? I raised her completely on my own I might add
I am sorry you felt I was attacking anyone, it was not my intention. I did not call you a failure... I said if my children grew up to be close minded I would consider myself a failure. Again, as you pointed out, an opinion.
Congrats to your 16 year old and to yourself. Raising a child on your own must not have been easy. However, I would not measure my child's success in life based on their report card or their scholarships. To me, sucess would mean having raised a productive, responsible, tolerant and understanding individual, who thinks freely, is independent and does not cling to old fashioned gender roles.
My point however, is this: there is no one set of morals or guidelines that are the perfect rule book for every person or child.
BS (aptly named) you have every right to raise your child as you see fit, but you do NOT have the right to think that if we believe differently that we are the abhorrent ones
I absolutely agree... raise your kids however you want, but don't expect people to follow in your footsteps.
Blessedstar: By your own beliefs, God will judge. Why do you feel the need to help him with the task?
Now we have change the damn anacronysm..........
by AK - Jeff inwe use df'd = disfellowshipped and da'd = disassociated.
the new term has to be - inloojw = "_______ is no longer one of jehovah's witnesses" to be correct.. let's get on the band wagon kids.
not as crisp and easy i know.
I think it should be "7 of 9" LOL
Toronto, Canada
by Calliope inrecanting on a previous thread where i commented on the unlikelihood of ever meeting any of you... .
i've just been advised that i will be shipped to toronto for training in a couple weeks.
now, i'm not saying i want to meet anyone.
I wish I could make it... I am about a 6hr drive away from TO! I would come if it was on the weekend but I work Friday, so I can't make it in time for Friday night!
Have a great time guys!