umm ... didn't you say this wasn't a gender war? This is less about sex and more about pregnancy.
I was resonding to the "Feminazi" comment.
men want 'say' in unplanned pregnancyactivists seek right to decline financial responsibility for kids.
new york (ap) -- contending that women have more options than they do in the event of an unintended pregnancy, men's rights activists are mounting a long shot legal campaign aimed at giving them the chance to opt out of financial responsibility for raising a child.. the national center for men has prepared a lawsuit -- nicknamed roe v. wade for men -- to be filed thursday in u.s. district court in michigan on behalf of a 25-year-old computer programmer ordered to pay child support for his ex-girlfriend's daughter.. the suit addresses the issue of male reproductive rights, contending that lack of such rights violates the u.s. constitution's equal protection clause.. the gist of the argument: if a pregnant woman can choose among abortion, adoption or raising a child, a man involved in an unintended pregnancy should have the choice of declining the financial responsibilities of fatherhood.
umm ... didn't you say this wasn't a gender war? This is less about sex and more about pregnancy.
I was resonding to the "Feminazi" comment.
men want 'say' in unplanned pregnancyactivists seek right to decline financial responsibility for kids.
new york (ap) -- contending that women have more options than they do in the event of an unintended pregnancy, men's rights activists are mounting a long shot legal campaign aimed at giving them the chance to opt out of financial responsibility for raising a child.. the national center for men has prepared a lawsuit -- nicknamed roe v. wade for men -- to be filed thursday in u.s. district court in michigan on behalf of a 25-year-old computer programmer ordered to pay child support for his ex-girlfriend's daughter.. the suit addresses the issue of male reproductive rights, contending that lack of such rights violates the u.s. constitution's equal protection clause.. the gist of the argument: if a pregnant woman can choose among abortion, adoption or raising a child, a man involved in an unintended pregnancy should have the choice of declining the financial responsibilities of fatherhood.
If both the man and the woman consented and agreed to the act of sex, shouldn't they both consent and agree if an unplanned pregnancy occurs? Is it fair to say both the man and the woman are responsible for birth control?
No. When a man and a woman have sex, they know what the outcome could be. No matter what precautions you take there is always a remote chance a pregnancy could occur. If you are not prepared for that possibility, then don't have sex.
It is fair to say that each individual who is having sex is responsible for birth control.
If an unplanned pregnancy occurs, the woman has no choice but to decide what to do next. She can't just say, well this was unplanned and it is going to wreck my life so I don't want to be part of this. Even if she decides not to keep the baby... there are still huge ramifications with that kind of decision.
If she decides to give it up, I don't believe it is fair to the woman to give the man the right to make her keep it. It is her body and unless there was a way to extract the embryo and incubate it for the man to keep/raise then that is the womans decision.
If she decides to keep it, the man cannot make her abort it. (nor should men be granted this "right")
Ultimetly, no matter what happens, the man has a responsiblity to his unborn child. I mean really, men want to be able to say, "well, your mom wouldn't kill but I don't want you so I am not paying for a thing"
And we think this is a good idea?
The idea of granting people rights and freedoms is to protect the innocent and make people responsible for their actions. I don't want to see the law being used to allow people to opt out of their responsibilities!
men want 'say' in unplanned pregnancyactivists seek right to decline financial responsibility for kids.
new york (ap) -- contending that women have more options than they do in the event of an unintended pregnancy, men's rights activists are mounting a long shot legal campaign aimed at giving them the chance to opt out of financial responsibility for raising a child.. the national center for men has prepared a lawsuit -- nicknamed roe v. wade for men -- to be filed thursday in u.s. district court in michigan on behalf of a 25-year-old computer programmer ordered to pay child support for his ex-girlfriend's daughter.. the suit addresses the issue of male reproductive rights, contending that lack of such rights violates the u.s. constitution's equal protection clause.. the gist of the argument: if a pregnant woman can choose among abortion, adoption or raising a child, a man involved in an unintended pregnancy should have the choice of declining the financial responsibilities of fatherhood.
Well, you are right about the people hating you for it! lol
I prefer to think that as things are becoming more EQUAL, men are fearful about the fact that they are loosing SOME of their power.
They are concerned now because they have to consult women in relationships, they can't just do WHATEVER THE HELL THEY WANT.
God forbid they actually have to please woman to get sex... as if women owe it to them anyways... how dare we actually make them work for it ?
Men are expected to follow orders and obey.
I don't expect men to follow orders or obey me, I expect them to take my opinion into consideration. I expect them to please me if they want me to please them. I expect them to be reasonable. I expect them to compromise instead of just riding rough shot over everyone.
men want 'say' in unplanned pregnancyactivists seek right to decline financial responsibility for kids.
new york (ap) -- contending that women have more options than they do in the event of an unintended pregnancy, men's rights activists are mounting a long shot legal campaign aimed at giving them the chance to opt out of financial responsibility for raising a child.. the national center for men has prepared a lawsuit -- nicknamed roe v. wade for men -- to be filed thursday in u.s. district court in michigan on behalf of a 25-year-old computer programmer ordered to pay child support for his ex-girlfriend's daughter.. the suit addresses the issue of male reproductive rights, contending that lack of such rights violates the u.s. constitution's equal protection clause.. the gist of the argument: if a pregnant woman can choose among abortion, adoption or raising a child, a man involved in an unintended pregnancy should have the choice of declining the financial responsibilities of fatherhood.
Why is it so wrong to provide legal rights and protection for both men and women?
It isn't.
But is it fair to say that because a woman doesn't want to have an abortion that the man is freed of all responsibility towards his child?
That doesn't sound to equal to me.
(I am refering to an "accidental" pregnancy where precautions were taken but failed)
Women who TRICK men into pregnancy is a different story and in that case I would support the man in not wanting to be involved.
men want 'say' in unplanned pregnancyactivists seek right to decline financial responsibility for kids.
new york (ap) -- contending that women have more options than they do in the event of an unintended pregnancy, men's rights activists are mounting a long shot legal campaign aimed at giving them the chance to opt out of financial responsibility for raising a child.. the national center for men has prepared a lawsuit -- nicknamed roe v. wade for men -- to be filed thursday in u.s. district court in michigan on behalf of a 25-year-old computer programmer ordered to pay child support for his ex-girlfriend's daughter.. the suit addresses the issue of male reproductive rights, contending that lack of such rights violates the u.s. constitution's equal protection clause.. the gist of the argument: if a pregnant woman can choose among abortion, adoption or raising a child, a man involved in an unintended pregnancy should have the choice of declining the financial responsibilities of fatherhood.
Wow! Men! Relax!
This is not a gender war.
I think both men and women should be more responsible.
Here is my opinion:
1) Nobody in this day and age, (especailly after knowing what we know about STD's) should be having unprotected sex. (Unless we are talking about a committed relationship with ONE sexual partner) If you don't want to take the necessary steps to protect yourself (even if it reduces pleasure) they dont whine about the outcome.
2) Responsibility for unborn children starts for both parties at the time of conception.
sex and reproduction are mutual and so should the choices and responsibilities.
IF that statement were true I would agree, but the reality is that women bare the majority of the responsibility and that is why we have the majority of the decision. Ok, you may have to support the child for the rest of your life, but the mother has to carry it to term, give birth, support the child financially and emotionally, discipline and care for him/her for the rest of her life. Not to mention the loss of freedom in her personal life.
The fact is, pregnancy has a much larger effect on a woman's life than a man's.
men want 'say' in unplanned pregnancyactivists seek right to decline financial responsibility for kids.
new york (ap) -- contending that women have more options than they do in the event of an unintended pregnancy, men's rights activists are mounting a long shot legal campaign aimed at giving them the chance to opt out of financial responsibility for raising a child.. the national center for men has prepared a lawsuit -- nicknamed roe v. wade for men -- to be filed thursday in u.s. district court in michigan on behalf of a 25-year-old computer programmer ordered to pay child support for his ex-girlfriend's daughter.. the suit addresses the issue of male reproductive rights, contending that lack of such rights violates the u.s. constitution's equal protection clause.. the gist of the argument: if a pregnant woman can choose among abortion, adoption or raising a child, a man involved in an unintended pregnancy should have the choice of declining the financial responsibilities of fatherhood.
A woman's personal belief regarding abortion does NOT negate a man's responsibility to his unborn child.
Women have a greater amount of choice/influence in these circumstances because they have a GREATER responsibility. It is their body that is going to have the baby. Daddy doesn't wanna pay, guess who is stuck footing the bill?
A woman puts her LIFE on the line to give birth and the father doesn't even want to pull out his wallet and help? Dispicable!
men want 'say' in unplanned pregnancyactivists seek right to decline financial responsibility for kids.
new york (ap) -- contending that women have more options than they do in the event of an unintended pregnancy, men's rights activists are mounting a long shot legal campaign aimed at giving them the chance to opt out of financial responsibility for raising a child.. the national center for men has prepared a lawsuit -- nicknamed roe v. wade for men -- to be filed thursday in u.s. district court in michigan on behalf of a 25-year-old computer programmer ordered to pay child support for his ex-girlfriend's daughter.. the suit addresses the issue of male reproductive rights, contending that lack of such rights violates the u.s. constitution's equal protection clause.. the gist of the argument: if a pregnant woman can choose among abortion, adoption or raising a child, a man involved in an unintended pregnancy should have the choice of declining the financial responsibilities of fatherhood.
And I'm so sick of women trying to "collect our seed" so they can force us to pay child support.
Trying to "collect our seed" ?? ? LOL
If a woman tells you it is ok, she is on the pill... wear a condom AND pull out! do whatever it takes!
Jeez guys... this sounds like the garden of eden... "she tempted me into eating the fruit"
men want 'say' in unplanned pregnancyactivists seek right to decline financial responsibility for kids.
new york (ap) -- contending that women have more options than they do in the event of an unintended pregnancy, men's rights activists are mounting a long shot legal campaign aimed at giving them the chance to opt out of financial responsibility for raising a child.. the national center for men has prepared a lawsuit -- nicknamed roe v. wade for men -- to be filed thursday in u.s. district court in michigan on behalf of a 25-year-old computer programmer ordered to pay child support for his ex-girlfriend's daughter.. the suit addresses the issue of male reproductive rights, contending that lack of such rights violates the u.s. constitution's equal protection clause.. the gist of the argument: if a pregnant woman can choose among abortion, adoption or raising a child, a man involved in an unintended pregnancy should have the choice of declining the financial responsibilities of fatherhood.
Should a woman have the right to abort her baby?
NO, I strongly disagree with abortion. The only time I would consider it as an option would be if rape had occured. In that case the woman did NOT choose to have sex it was forced upon her and she should not be forced to keep the baby.
But aborting a baby because you made a mistake is irresponsible. I would NEVER do it. (I have been there, I have faced that decision...)
I'm rather tired of being told men are scum
I don't think ALL men are scum, Some of them are, but then again there are some pretty scummy women too.
Women have to pay the 'consequences'
Something that hasn't been mentioned yet is that fact that once a woman is preg, there are SERIOUS consequences even if she chooses not to keep it. An abortion for most people is an emotinally scarring experience, many women go into deep depression over it and NEVER heal from that hurt.
I think both men AND women should start owning up to their mistakes and taking care of their responsibilities instead of pointing fingers and struggling for power to choose "what to do now"!
i've seen how some (not me) are still bewildered and still searching for "the truth" and are unhappy.
what's your status?
minimus: north-east US?
men want 'say' in unplanned pregnancyactivists seek right to decline financial responsibility for kids.
new york (ap) -- contending that women have more options than they do in the event of an unintended pregnancy, men's rights activists are mounting a long shot legal campaign aimed at giving them the chance to opt out of financial responsibility for raising a child.. the national center for men has prepared a lawsuit -- nicknamed roe v. wade for men -- to be filed thursday in u.s. district court in michigan on behalf of a 25-year-old computer programmer ordered to pay child support for his ex-girlfriend's daughter.. the suit addresses the issue of male reproductive rights, contending that lack of such rights violates the u.s. constitution's equal protection clause.. the gist of the argument: if a pregnant woman can choose among abortion, adoption or raising a child, a man involved in an unintended pregnancy should have the choice of declining the financial responsibilities of fatherhood.
OMG! This is the most RIDICULOUS thing I have EVER heard!
Sorry, but actions have consequences!
You don't want the financial responsiblity of having a child.... MASTERBATE!
I am so sick of hearing men "spreading their seed" and then b$ching about the outcome! Did you not attend Sex-ed class?
AHHH! Sperm and egg make baby. You don't want baby... DONT put the sperm and egg together!