I always found this to be very amusing. I wasn't hardly allowed to read anything except the bible and the WTBTS literature...and I loved to read so much! I know that as my son's reading skills develop, I will merely be thankful for the fact that he is reading, as so many children's free time is taken up by tv, cartoons, and movies. I doubt I will be picky about what he chooses to read, though as a parent, it will be mildly monitored (WT literature, however, will be an absolute NO, NO).
However, you have the bible, which I think we all were ENCOURAGED to read, which is filled with fornication, adultry, incest, murder, war, homosexuality, rape, polygamy, torture, demonic possessions, sorcery, witchcraft (also called miracles), etc, etc, etc.....yet, Harry Potter is banned? Then you have the WT literature, which contains detailed graphics of these very things, so not only do we have the descripitions to read as in the bible and the literature, but also imagery to fill our children's minds to go along with it. I find this to be not only humorous, but perhaps hypocritical at the same time. There's not many books out there that is going to be much worse than the bible, yet JW's aren't allowed to read them and are urged to read the teachings of the bible. It seems the bible will teach our children how to sin before some of these other books named will. Just my thoughts.