JoinedPosts by Evanescence
Mothers Day is for Heathen Apostate Bastards!
by gumby ini thought it would be cute to mix a little dubdom with mothers day since i'm jealous of everyone who gets ta give their mom sumthin and i can't..........so i'm condemning you damn pagans!mothers day origin moms are the best things that ever happened in the world.
on may 11th every year, we celebrate 'mother's day' as an opportunity to express our love, respect and gratitude to our mothers for all the things she has done for us.
alchemy webmedia has tried to consolidate the origin, history, legends and stories of this very special day, just for you.
My prayers heard?
by snbdye2000 inquick question.
i think i read somewhere that jw's believe that prayers said by anyone not babtized a jw are not heard by god?
is this true?
Anyone can pray to god/jehovah God loves to hear from us.
Whether we feel it to be so or not, god does hear our prayers.
When praying You muat Pray without ceasing (1 thessalonians 5:17)
Pray with faith and honesty and pray with your heart.
Thats the requirements nothing more
Prayer and privacy
by Fatfreek ini'm a newbie here and i'd like to hear what you think about public prayer.
jesus gave us the guiding, "when you pray go into your closed ...", etc.
one of my biggest turnoffs when i was a witney (no offense to eli, one of the greatest inventors) was going into a restaurant with my family and having to offer thanks, publicly of course, so all could see how good we were and ask about that assembly badge on our lapel.
God doesn't leke people standing on corner streets praying out loud for he considers it hypocrisy. It says that somewhere in the bible
June 6, 2006 Why be worried?
by robhic inon may 5, 2005 the thought occured to me: it's 05/05/05.
now, next year do you think jws -- and/or all fundamentalist groups, etc -- will be anticipating or freak out on june 6, 2006?
it'll be 06/06/06 or, more diabolically extrapolated (as they do so well...), 666!!!
This introduction into the reality of Spirit beings, will cause your heart to beat heavier than usual, so do not feel that you are having a Panic Attack. You feel a radiance in Power like that of a human Dye being injected into your blood stream. This is only minimal, but it brings a warmth like that of radiant energy.
Can you explain what this is about i'm just curious.
And where does it mention about this happening in the bible?
Do J.W.'s still spank their kids in Kingdom Hall libraries to punish them?
by hubert ini've heard a lot on this subject, and was wondering if it's a common practice?.
can you go to a meeting and almost always see some poor kid getting a walloping in the back room for talking or misbehaving at the meeting?
or is this a thing of the past?.
Sorry but I cannot stand childrens rights being abused!!!!!! If I saw any of that happening I will be calling the social workers!
No child should be subjected to punishment like that! put yourself in the childrens shoes how would you feel. And a 2 year old MY GOD HOW DISCUSTING!
No child can sit there for over 2 hours staring at the wall geez even I can't do that!
But constantly abusing them or so called "disciplining" them will only make the child grow up in fear and anxiety. Constantly afraid that if you stuff up you shall be punished. but the point is everyone stuffs up no one is perfect.
The child won't view the world as a friendly place.
You hear the child screaming and crying, they are afraid, they don't understand!
Children does not deserve that sort of punishment.
Sorry about the burst of anger
Also I want to ask if the jws support the united nations and if so do they support the united nations declaration on human rights?
June 6, 2006 Why be worried?
by robhic inon may 5, 2005 the thought occured to me: it's 05/05/05.
now, next year do you think jws -- and/or all fundamentalist groups, etc -- will be anticipating or freak out on june 6, 2006?
it'll be 06/06/06 or, more diabolically extrapolated (as they do so well...), 666!!!
Are you saying in your mind; THIS IS ONLY A DREAM, THE END IS NOT HERE?
Now why would we be doing that?
We are just not powernoid like you are brown word.
You know the bolded letters of yours reminds we of the jehovah's witness lady living across the road from the catholic high school I went to.
She was yelling and screaming about jehovah and how we catholics are going to burn in the lake of fire while the jehovahs witness build temples for jehovah! BLAH BLAH BLAH oh and she always tend to threaten us with a knife and telling us to save ourselves. hmmmmmm From whom I wonder.........
(I suck at building! so maybe it is a good thing that i will end up in the fire otherwise there will be millions of collapsed temples everywhere! )
So please brown word stop typing big bold words I think everyone here can read the normal font size without it being bold.
If you persist to do so then i'll get mad and trust me you don't want that! (the annoying thing is my anger has been reduced to the forum guidelines) consider yourself lucky word! consider yourself lucky!
In peace not hatred
June 6, 2006 Why be worried?
by robhic inon may 5, 2005 the thought occured to me: it's 05/05/05.
now, next year do you think jws -- and/or all fundamentalist groups, etc -- will be anticipating or freak out on june 6, 2006?
it'll be 06/06/06 or, more diabolically extrapolated (as they do so well...), 666!!!
Hey word are you still here? you havn't replied in a while.
June 6, 2006 Why be worried?
by robhic inon may 5, 2005 the thought occured to me: it's 05/05/05.
now, next year do you think jws -- and/or all fundamentalist groups, etc -- will be anticipating or freak out on june 6, 2006?
it'll be 06/06/06 or, more diabolically extrapolated (as they do so well...), 666!!!
I don't hear and trumpets sounding!
Word you are just powernoid with this whole world ending thing.
I agree it will probebly be soon but I don't see why we have to play guessing games or mathematics.
This is just the start of the millemium 2000 there are going to be petterns in numbers.
5/5/05 6/6/06 7/7/07 8/8/08 9/9/09 10/1/10 Are we going to go through your powernoia everytime a date with a pattern pops up?
Don't forget we went through all these patterns in year 1000 we survived through 6/6/1006 didn't we? now it is simply 6/6/2006
Patterns in dates don't mean anything word.
(I think of this world ending thing is kinda like a race, who will end the world first god/jehovah or us! )
Considering the global warming, pollution and all......
June 6, 2006 Why be worried?
by robhic inon may 5, 2005 the thought occured to me: it's 05/05/05.
now, next year do you think jws -- and/or all fundamentalist groups, etc -- will be anticipating or freak out on june 6, 2006?
it'll be 06/06/06 or, more diabolically extrapolated (as they do so well...), 666!!!
Why are you playing around with numbers word?
Just because there is a pattern in the date or the date spells out 666 it doesn't mean the end is near.
We have our warning its already in the bible revelation.
God has already warned us of his coming judgement. As you can see the people on this board don't appretiate you coming on and making up prophesis and claiming them to be true.
We all pray to god/jehovah and he answers us.
I got lost in all your messages so I don't know what you are saying exactly. The signs of the world end "judgement day" have been mentioned in the bible already The 7 seals, the messages going out to the churches, the chariots. It also mentioned that a thrid of the moon will be missing as a sign, as I look out my window now the moon seems to be in one peice.
People have always come up with prophesis and claim when the world will end but it never happens.
The jehovah's witness for example made claims in the past but it never happened! In a way word I feel sorry for you that you put yourself in this deceptive position. The devil likes to decieve us.
Please think hard on your thoughts and pray for guidance.
We all know that the world will end one day for instance there is global warming etc.
Please word explain what message you are trying to get across and WHY you think that you can communicate with god/jehovah
You are a dedicated follower of jehovah I can see. I am too. we shouldn't claim when his coming judgement is, If god was to tell someone of the ending, it would most likely be the pope for he is god's representitive on earth and he can get the message across a lot quicker and more efficiently than anyone else
Instead of doing that it is better to lead people to christ then to worry about the world ending.
I say these words in peace not harm.
(p.s those bolded words are really getting on my nerves!)
Why 5 meetings a week?
by G Money ini was recently being ragged on my a jw friend and he was raggin on me for not goin to the meetings.
he said i am foresaking the gathering of ourselves.
i then said where in the bible does it say i must attend 5 meetings a week spread over 3 days?
No no no no no!!!!!!
it is 4 fingers 1 thumb! sheesh!
what happens if you were born missing a finger? or a finger got choppped off? HA HA! that saying backfired!