Sorry for resurrecting an old thread, but does this sound right for a door to door JW?
There is so much poverty in our world today don’t you agree?
In fact most of the world population does not live the life style we live, many go to bed hungry or fall asleep shivering from the cold.
Today poverty remains a harsh reality with civil war, floods, droughts and other problems.
There is a lack of employment and many struggle to find a job, this resulting in a life of crime.
Many of these people are depressed and feel hopeless and sometimes results in suicide.
Yet many ask, does God not see this? We are in desperate need of help!
Well there is a comforting answer to that
We once lived in a paradise, Adam and eve did in genesis chapter 2 verses 7-23
Belief in a new paradise in a new world without poverty is not just a dream. It is solidly based on the promises in the bible.
You hear that wonderful news?
Jehovah/God promises us in the bible that things are going to be better in the future!
See this Watchtower magazine I have here? Look at this picture wouldn’t you love to live in this lifestyle? Wouldn’t it be nice to live together happily on a paradise earth?
Here take this magazine…
By the way, would you be interested in a free home bible study?
what you think? i'm acting as a jw for drama