JoinedPosts by Evanescence
144,000 going to heaven, based on what??
by truth_about_the_truth inlet's face it, most jw's believe that there is clear biblical evidence that shows that only 144k will go to heaven and rule as kings during the 1000 yr reign.
when examining this topic without the aid of anything but the bible itself, it paints quite a different picture.
you would need to make some blind assumptions to come to the wt conclusion regarding this topic.. jws take it for granted this scripture rev.
i wonder....
by kittyeatzjdubs ini toy with the idea of doing this sometimes just for fun...i was wondering if you guys think it would work...i was thinking of going to an out of town congregation where no one knows me and just introducing myself as a visiting witness.
no one would know i was dsf'd...would they?.
of course i wouldn't give my real just seems so funny to me b/c i could so totally play up the zealous pioneer b.s.
Also while you are studying from the watchtower magazines grab a pen and start defacing the mag! draw devil horns on pictures of people etc.
And cross out words so the the sentence means something completly different!
Do something like this.....
Jehovah does
notwant us to celebrate birthdays. The watchtower isnotevil.Evanescence
i wonder....
by kittyeatzjdubs ini toy with the idea of doing this sometimes just for fun...i was wondering if you guys think it would work...i was thinking of going to an out of town congregation where no one knows me and just introducing myself as a visiting witness.
no one would know i was dsf'd...would they?.
of course i wouldn't give my real just seems so funny to me b/c i could so totally play up the zealous pioneer b.s.
Well you can try saying that you are from england and visited a kingdom hall there.
That will make it harder for them to find out the truth about you and hey if they are powernoid enough to ring england at least they will get a whopping phone bill!
You guys crack me up!
Maybe during a long 2 and a half hour speech yell out boooorrrrrrrrrriiiinnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggggggg
(hold the note as long as possible! )
Or do the sign of the cross while they do a prayer.
Another thing you can do is pretend you know nothing about the jw's and you are interested in them, play dumb! Maybe one day walk in the KH with a birthday cake and give to to an elder or the PO
OHa ha ha ha ha! and don't forget to sing happy birthday!When they crack it at you pretend to be confused and tell them that you didn't know they are against birthdays.
Once they DA you turn around and say "sorry already been done ive been DF at..... Laugh in their face and walk off
Ohhhhh the fun of it all!
Are things really that bad?
by gringojj ini was just reading a post from someone and it said that the world is a paradise now, we just have to accept it.
it made me think, the jws are always saying how bad things are now and that they are just getting worse.
so im wondering, are things really that bad?
The sad thing though is all the trees getting cut down and the global warming. so our little planet isn't going to last long.
Prayer and privacy
by Fatfreek ini'm a newbie here and i'd like to hear what you think about public prayer.
jesus gave us the guiding, "when you pray go into your closed ...", etc.
one of my biggest turnoffs when i was a witney (no offense to eli, one of the greatest inventors) was going into a restaurant with my family and having to offer thanks, publicly of course, so all could see how good we were and ask about that assembly badge on our lapel.
Read Mathew chapter 6: 1-7
God doesn't like show-offs bacicly
144,000 going to heaven, based on what??
by truth_about_the_truth inlet's face it, most jw's believe that there is clear biblical evidence that shows that only 144k will go to heaven and rule as kings during the 1000 yr reign.
when examining this topic without the aid of anything but the bible itself, it paints quite a different picture.
you would need to make some blind assumptions to come to the wt conclusion regarding this topic.. jws take it for granted this scripture rev.
Christians believe that heavens gates and christs salvation is open to anybody not just the 144,000
And yet the jehovah's witness deny that! How could they!
Then again they probebly think that only the elders will be saved in the end, oh well it makes the bottle of beer game more fun!
There are 143,997 elders in heaven thats 143,997! one fell down oh what a tradgety now there are 143,996 elders in heaven.
144,000 going to heaven, based on what??
by truth_about_the_truth inlet's face it, most jw's believe that there is clear biblical evidence that shows that only 144k will go to heaven and rule as kings during the 1000 yr reign.
when examining this topic without the aid of anything but the bible itself, it paints quite a different picture.
you would need to make some blind assumptions to come to the wt conclusion regarding this topic.. jws take it for granted this scripture rev.
143,998 people in heaven thats 143,998 one fell down, oh what a tradgety now there are 143,997 people in heaven!
144,000 going to heaven, based on what??
by truth_about_the_truth inlet's face it, most jw's believe that there is clear biblical evidence that shows that only 144k will go to heaven and rule as kings during the 1000 yr reign.
when examining this topic without the aid of anything but the bible itself, it paints quite a different picture.
you would need to make some blind assumptions to come to the wt conclusion regarding this topic.. jws take it for granted this scripture rev.
7 After this I saw four angels standing upon the four corners of the earth, holding tight the four winds of the earth, that no wind might blow upon the earth or upon the sea or upon any tree. 2 And I saw another angel ascending from the sunrising, having a seal of [the] living God; and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels to whom it was granted to harm the earth and the sea, 3 saying: "Do not harm the earth or the sea or the trees, until after we have sealed the slaves of our God in their foreheads."
4 And I heard the number of those who were sealed, a hundred and forty-four thousand, sealed out of every tribe of the sons of Israel:5 Out of the tribe of Judah twelve thousand sealed;
out of the tribe of Reu'ben twelve thousand;
out of the tribe of Gad twelve thousand;
6 out of the tribe of Ash'er twelve thousand;
out of the tribe of Naph'ta·li twelve thousand;
out of the tribe of Ma·nas'seh twelve thousand;
7 out of the tribe of Sim'e·on twelve thousand;
out of the tribe of Le'vi twelve thousand;
out of the tribe of Is'sa·char twelve thousand;
8 out of the tribe of Zeb'u·lun twelve thousand; out of the tribe of Joseph twelve thousand;out of the tribe of Benjamin twelve thousand sealed.
9 After these things I saw, and, look! a great crowd, which no man was able to number, out of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, dressed in white robes; and there were palm branches in their hands. 10 And they keep on crying with a loud voice, saying: "Salvation [we owe] to our God, who is seated on the throne, and to the Lamb."
11 And all the angels were standing around the throne and the elders and the four living creatures, and they fell upon their faces before the throne and worshiped God, 12 saying: "Amen! The blessing and the glory and the wisdom and the thanksgiving and the honor and the power and the strength [be] to our God forever and ever. Amen."What about Australia, United states, England and all the other places that wasn't mentioned?
Looks like we all got to get a citizenship in israel in order to be saved.
Are things really that bad?
by gringojj ini was just reading a post from someone and it said that the world is a paradise now, we just have to accept it.
it made me think, the jws are always saying how bad things are now and that they are just getting worse.
so im wondering, are things really that bad?
Now let's hear some views from our friends in countries not so fortunate ...
Let's see what their paradise is like?Well actually countries with least rights and are living in a nightmare tend to be the countries who doesn't have an internet
Some countries have more rights than others, I think Australia is reconised The most livable place!
There are a lot of refugees fleeing to australia becasue of they way they are treated in other countries.
Unfortuantly they tend to get locked up in the detention center though
I think while living on earth we've got to look at the positives, gee even the bible says so....
"Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things." Philippians 4:8
Mothers Day is for Heathen Apostate Bastards!
by gumby ini thought it would be cute to mix a little dubdom with mothers day since i'm jealous of everyone who gets ta give their mom sumthin and i can' i'm condemning you damn pagans!mothers day origin moms are the best things that ever happened in the world.
on may 11th every year, we celebrate 'mother's day' as an opportunity to express our love, respect and gratitude to our mothers for all the things she has done for us.
alchemy webmedia has tried to consolidate the origin, history, legends and stories of this very special day, just for you.
Mothers Day is on the 8th of may in Australia!