LOL! did they get this from a catholic primary school?
I go to a catholic school! we're not that dumb!
got this forwarded from my dad.
apart from standard snide dubbie comments it is quite funny, although obviously written by an adult.... .
thank goodness for my book of bible stories book and listening to the great teacher!.
LOL! did they get this from a catholic primary school?
I go to a catholic school! we're not that dumb!
i went to a friend's house last night.
i was talking with him about religious issues.
i told him i no longer feel that the witnesses have the truth.
Don't let the org control you with fear!
God won't kill you, you are his beloved child and he wants you to be happy!
I've looked at the watchtower site OH HOW I WANT TO GIVE THEM MY TWO CENTS!!!!
Dear watchtower,
not jws but
woman with nine people crammed into car arrested
boy, girl found in trunk
good or bad day and why?.
i guess bad.
i am so sad today and i don't know how to make the sadness go away.
sounds like some of you experiance mood swings!
Me and my mood swings? wooooooooooooo lets not go there.
(((((group hug)))))
i was a jw for 40 years.
although as an individual/cong/body of elders holy spirirt was prayed for, i cannot think of one moment when i thought..right now i have gods spirit acting upon me.
it was never described adequately for me to completely understand and i suspect that others felt the same, yet everyone talked as though they knew exactly how it worked.
Who said they went all lubby bubby christian?????
lol, Loubelle!
I was born and lived life depressed, I had depression in hereditry and life problems. But when I recieved confirmation the holy spirit helped me out of my dark hole. At the time I didn't think much of god or knew him very well either.
But something was guiding me, the holy spirit made come to the realisation of god. I prayed to him and he drew close to me, since then my life has been going up hill. I wasn't aware of my depression at the time either, but I sat down one night and felt the need to let out my feelings, so I wrote a poem titled "Falling Kingdom" and I drew a picture of how I felt as well. It was a picture of me, I was very small and I was lost in a fog.
The next day I don't know why but I took the poem and picture and showed the counsellor. The counsellor by seeing the picture and reading the poem understood how I felt and knew that I needed help. She didn't understand what made me come to see her. She asked "did a friend told you to see me or did your parents tell you to see me?" I replied no to both of them and she said "Its unusual for not many people go to the counsellor volinaraly at your age" I was led there by the holy spirit. I wasn't very conscious on what i was doing at the time, something just led me there.
The school counsellor led me to the youth counsellor and the youth counsellor took me to the proffesional counsellor.
What I benefited from by these counselling appointments was I became aware of my depression. It helped a great deal to gain understanding on it.
But what helped me overcome my depression though was Gods love. I knew more and more about him. I looked at websites about him one was I looked at heaps!
Through My depression I grew spiritually stronger and I've become a better person!
There have been other situations when I was guided by the holy spirit.
The holy spirit never leaves you!
And to all those who posted stuff about the good and bad stuff that happens in life have a look at hebrews chapter 12
Do any of you ex-jw's think that maybe it was the holy spirit that guided you out of the organisation?
Sure It would of caused a lot of pain, but God is willing to help you with your burdens and pain for you are all his precious children.
Through adversity we can triumph.
Evanescence (Lubby Dubby Christian)
Please don't all turn into sharks on me and rip my head off!
i found a funny looking pear or should i say
One Mouldy Butt!
i found a funny looking pear or should i say
So If we eat that pair, we are sopposed to know everything?
.... or die like god said...... well that could be the case if you send it by mail, once you send that thing from canada to Australia its bound to of gone mauldy!
well........ i needs to know.............. scoob
We call soccer football in Australia not criket!
Don't u Americans get the games mixed up at all? Soccer with the round ball and theres soccer with the oval shaped ball!
or did I miss something? I don't know what goes on in that country of yours.