If you are going to a hick town concert then it sounds good to me.
Posts by skyman
need advice for concert attire
by tsunami_rid3r ini was thinking of wearing a gray shirt with sleeves cut off, ripped jeans, white studded belt, checkered vans slip ons, with green blue mohawk with 3inch long hair.
Will the Real "Great Crowd" Please Stand Up!!!
by rockhound inin doing some research on the "great crowd" or "great multitude", i found some interesting watchtower articles that brought to the fore a very thought provoking question for all jehovahs witneses.
please follow the paper trail.. the watchtower of may 15,1995,p.20
18 in 1935 a bright flash of light revealed that the great crowd mentioned at revelation 7:9-17 was not a secondary heavenly class.
Now why would you want to confuse me. LOL.
Thank you for the research. I love stuff like this.
2005 Holocaust Institute for Educators
by Kenneson infor the 11th summer, or since 1994, florida state university in tallahassee has presented a holocaust institute for educators.
and each year the public is invited to two lectures.
i was privileged to attend the first one tonight for this year.
Jw Ben Why have you not answered me?
by skyman incould it be you can't.
you are so big on your posts telling us dumb mislead fools how stupid we are.
you are showing me and everyone here you can't defend the society when it come down to really defending blood.
Yes I am playing stump the dub. I can't believe how many dubs are on this sight to try and convert the unconvertable. JW Ben was so sure that the Society is correcton on blood, I can't believe he is chicken to have an open debate over blood. I say bring it on. I spent two months doing nothing on my spare time but studying before the UN deal took me totally out.
Where is the "35 Ways to Prove Something from the Bible" thread?
by VM44 in.
there was a somewhat recent thread about 35 ways to prove something from the bible, and it had a link to a website.. i thought i could find it easily, but after 20 minutes searching, still haven't found it.. did anyone here bookmark that thread?.
I read the link very good link. I used to use the same line of thought in the service if and when I was cornered
Do you "now" look for more reasons to dislike or hate the JW's?
by free2beme ini have noticed from reading over this site and from having contact with former witnesses in my personal life, that a lot of time is consumed in the beginning of your exit from the witnesses, with finding further reasons to hate or dislike the jehovah's witnesses.
with this i was wondering, is this done to give yourself more reason not to return or is it an expression of your freedom to find out what you want without borders.
from a pure psychological stand-point, i am prone to wonder if it is a means of feeding an inner anger to bring one a faults sense of security, when they are challenged from within to decide if what they are really dealing with is correct thinking or a path that is truly wrong.
betrayedbyall I Like you comment
forced out because they took a stand for what was right, that is something the self seeking men in control in there kingdom halls cannot abide, once you take a stand and show them you will not simply shut up and fall in line they seek to destroy you
That is what happened to me. it was not the blood issue that made me finally quit it was the UN issue that Elders wanted me to admit and say it was not true. Then after I called the Society they wanted me to believe the lie given to me. I could not do this I had to stand for the truth no matter what happened. betrayedbyall you put it just the way it is. Thank you
Jw Ben Why have you not answered me?
by skyman incould it be you can't.
you are so big on your posts telling us dumb mislead fools how stupid we are.
you are showing me and everyone here you can't defend the society when it come down to really defending blood.
He was suppost to answer me in my inbox on the six of this month. He was very aggressive saying that I was wrong about a post about blood so I emailed him and told him if he could answer me and prove that I was wrong I would come back to the meetings. He was all to well willing to do battle with me untill I sent him all of the letter I call my blood letter. I just want him to admit either I am wrong or the Society is wrong.
ymagdalene do you remeber this?
by skyman ini see you posting this morning.
i remember going out in the field service we went out in the rural territory.
you had a wrap around dress and as you went to the door the wind hit your dress and up it went into the air and you had the hardest time pulling it down.
When the wind hit her dress I was hoping she would never get it down.
Jw Ben Why have you not answered me?
by skyman incould it be you can't.
you are so big on your posts telling us dumb mislead fools how stupid we are.
you are showing me and everyone here you can't defend the society when it come down to really defending blood.
Her is his home sight on this thead please click and send him a message in his in box.http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/member/3736/send.ashx -
ymagdalene do you remeber this?
by skyman ini see you posting this morning.
i remember going out in the field service we went out in the rural territory.
you had a wrap around dress and as you went to the door the wind hit your dress and up it went into the air and you had the hardest time pulling it down.
Ya that right the kingdumb hall I remember that place. Dark, looming, life sucking, place the Borg is assimilated