smarter than you.
Posts by skyman
Iran: Your Next !!!
by prophecor inare you watching world events unfold before your eyes?
iraq is receiving a liberation from ancient backward politics and a ruthless criminaly minded dictatorship.
boy geoge has stuck his foot in the middle east, to the amazement of virtually the entire planet.
One-eyed cat no hoax
by skyman inat least they claim it is no hoax look at the link for pitcure
I don't think it could be real But I could be wrong.
Could This Be Done???
by Frannie Banannie ini wonder what would happen if "in-good-standing" (not outed) jdubyas could start webpages locally containing kh and bethel scandals and gossip and news (not wts news, just cong members' news).. they could build the site anonymously via an anonymous isp, couldn't they?.
then they could provide info for concerned parents on pedophiles within the congs and expose some of the hateful things that the heirarchy says and does at the kh and at brothel bethel.. they advocate spying on each other?
Yes if people were brave enough to do it.
One-eyed cat no hoax
by skyman inat least they claim it is no hoax look at the link for pitcure
At least they claim it is no hoax Look at the link for pitcure
Iran: Your Next !!!
by prophecor inare you watching world events unfold before your eyes?
iraq is receiving a liberation from ancient backward politics and a ruthless criminaly minded dictatorship.
boy geoge has stuck his foot in the middle east, to the amazement of virtually the entire planet.
People can hide their sorry asses in the sand and pretend they are in never-ever-land. No amount of logical thinking can stir an idot, and that is what you are if you think that the US did not hope and plan this.
by Seeking Knowledge inwoo hoo..there is a volcano trying really hard to erupt in my state!!
so's on an island by itself and is currently experiencing indigestion.
just thought i'd share....i don't look forward to the ash fallout or anything, but it's pretty exciting to see mother nature at work!.
Blood Issue: Will Literature Be Destroyed?
by metatron ini understand that one immediate effect of the "big news" about the watchtower's possible liability on blood transfusion will be.
that elders are ordered to destroy all copies of previous directives on blood.
however, this limited response seems inadequate.
don't laugh sometime in the 90's we were asked to destroy older books and othe books that the Society did not want at the Hall library's. I personally was given the assingment to do this. So you can Call me a book burner.
Iran: Your Next !!!
by prophecor inare you watching world events unfold before your eyes?
iraq is receiving a liberation from ancient backward politics and a ruthless criminaly minded dictatorship.
boy geoge has stuck his foot in the middle east, to the amazement of virtually the entire planet.
True fact We gave them the plans to build the Nukes. So the good old U.S.A. givith and now want to takith. This Article was just in the news on the 9th read and you will see the hypocritical US,. The US wanted this to happen so they would have reason the destroy IRAN
Here is the article intitled "Why have both the US and the UK have given Iran the materials it needs to go nuclear?" click on link to read
Every thing is happening as planned by USA and Isreal
Was Jesus predestined to die?
by ringo5 inaccording to wts, the first prophecy in the bible (gen 3:15) applies to jesus and was partially fulfilled when the he died on the cross stake.
so how did jesus or anyone that had anything to do with his death have any freewill if he was predestined to die?
say the jews had decided they kinda liked him or thought he was at least entertaining and decided to let him hang around?
Shazard you statement make me laugh pee. I know you have done that a time or two in your life. The programmers are in charge. So if the big programmer in the heaven programmed it so Jesus had to do this then it is not free will, but is destined.
I have thought about this question of Jesus being predestined that logical thought mandate us into thinking it is all religious mysticim that is behind Jesus life story. If you know the facts before you writed the bible books you can make a person fulfill the facts even if he did not. So Jesus was able to do all he had to do because the writer know what was exspected of him, so wrote it down so the blind sheep could BAA, out loud and follow the chruch leaders any place the leader whated the sheep to go.
Should Jehovers Witnesses use Heinz 57 products?
by Elsewhere inthe other night i was listening to npr on the radio while driving home and i heard a very interesting piece of information... the "57" in the heinz 57 brand came from occult sources!
the container says "heinz 57 varieties" but the number was never meant to literally mean they had 57 varieties of products, instead the numbers 5 and 7 have occult meaning.. i looked around on the internet and found these articles:.
As cracy as all the other thing the JW stopped buying it would be kind of fun to get information out amoung them to see what happens I'll do this and see if it gets off the ground.